I'm a passionate developer with a keen interest in AI and Game Development. Currently, I'm diving deep into C++ for game development with Unreal Engine.
- Languages: C++, Python, JavaScript
- Game Development: Unreal Engine, Unity\C#
- AI/ML: TensorFlow, PyTorch
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, JS, Flask
- Discord: mr_faz3a
- Email: ktarimouadh@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mouadh-ktari-b96b20213
- Advanced C++ for Game Development
- Unreal Engine
- AI and Machine Learning
- Game Development
- AI and Machine Learning
- Collaborative Projects
I love playing video games and exploring new gaming technologies in my free time!
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project or just want to chat!