This is a module for the Kohana PHP framework that integrates SimpleTest.
Release 0.2.1+ for Kohana 3 (including 3.1 and 3.2)
- Download and unpack the module, put it in your modules directory and enable it in your bootstrap file.
- Go to <your_url>/simpletest to see a (really ugly) welcome page with a link to a (slightly prettier) demo page.
- Create your own tests in a directory 'simpletests' in your application directory.
- Use the link on the welcome page to run your tests.
- That's it! No PEAR, no command line, just Simple Unit Testing. Oh and there's an excellent remote web test suite and a few other goodies thrown in...
Documentation and support for this module can be found on Github. Support for SimpleTest can be found on the SimpleTest site.
The SimpleTest module is copyright 2011 Mr Anchovy
Kohana is copyright 2008-2011 Kohana Team
SimpleTest is copyright ???