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Efficient implementation of Langton's Ant cellular automata on an infinite grid for cooperative highway search


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Langton's Ant

Multicolor extension of Langton's Ant cellular automaton that finds highways and their periods

It supports square and hexagonal grid, 3D and 4D

Moves supported by each mode:

  • Square: R, L
  • Hexagonal: F, R, r, B, l, L
  • 3D: R, L, U, D
  • 4D: R, L, U, D, X, Y (90º and -90º rotations along xy, xz and xw planes)

More information on Wikipedia

How to use

You first have to register here. After that, go to settings and generate a secret token to login on the java client. The token can be regenerated again if it's lost.


  • -w n: Runs n ants simultaneously on different threads (limited to the number of CPU threads)
  • -wh n: Runs n hexagonal ants simultaneously on different threads (limited to the number of CPU threads)
  • -w3 n: Runs n 3D ants simultaneously on different threads (limited to the number of CPU threads)
  • -w4 n: Runs n 4D ants simultaneously on different threads (limited to the number of CPU threads)
  • -u username: Login as username, you have to enter the password on the next line
  • --nogui: No interface mode
  • --nolog: No log mode


	java -jar langton.jar -w 4 -wh 2 --nogui

How it works

The server sends rules to each client to check if they form a highway and if so, find their period, size and the ant rotation.

Every few minutes, the client sends the data back to the server and stores the rules in the database.

This way we make sure that no rule is tested multiple times.


  • Server
    • Verify rules by different clients (WIP)
    • Improved client-server protocol.
  • Webpage
    • Simulator (2d, hex, 3d, 4d,...), step by step, change map size, save image or video,...
    • Search highways on database
    • Login/Register
    • Like rules
    • User statistics and profiles
    • API
    • Add new winding data to database
    • Add histogram of the states used in the highway construction?
    • User lists to save rules (WIP)
    • Comments on rules (WIP)
    • Translation to other languages (WIP)
  • Improve GUI
  • Refactor code
  • Different work types:
    • Approximate period of big highways
    • Find exact period of big highways
  • Render hexagonal grid
  • Parallel computing on GPU (doesn't seem possible)
  • Compute approximate period of highways on the fly
  • Algorithm to differentiate triangles/squares from highways:
  • Calculate size of highways (displacement of the ant each period, e.g. the displacement of the original ant is 2x2). This is useful to distinguish highways with the same period but different structure.
  • Calculate ant rotation (accumulated rotation of the ant to further distinguish ants with same period and size).
  • Make period calculation work 100% of the time in O(n). Right now the period calculation breaks on 0.1% of the rules but at least it says they have period 1 so they can be retested in the future.


Go to Langton's Ant Rule DB to explore the database.

Biggest highways with unknown period

If we find the size of the highway and the velocity at which it advances, we can estimate the total period of some huge highways (supposing the ant in fact forms a highway and doesn't break midway). To get the size of the highway, we find the period of each line of cells and compute the least common multiple of all of them. For the velocity, we iterate the ant and note approximately how many iterations it takes the ant to advance one cell in the direction the highway is growing.

Tested to # iters Rule String Rule number Highway size Estimated period Real period Rel. Error
4.7e11 LLRLRRRLRRLLLRRLLLLLLRLLRLRR 220226420 > 2^500 ?? 3e154
1e11 LLRLRRLLRLLLLLLRRLLLR 1147188 >= 133671045600 >=1.104122836656e15
1.1e13 RRLRLLRRLRRRRRRRRRLLLRLLRLR 86245067 >= 4707316320 >=4.18492189e13
1e13 RRRLRRLLRLRRRRLLRRRLLRLR 10960183 2^42*3 ?? 3.77616273e16 ??
1.74e12 RRRLRRLLRLRRRRRRRRRLR 1572151 2^40*3 ?? 5.64742157e15 ??
4e11 LLRLRRLLRLLLLLLLLRRRRRRLRLR 92143924 >= 886624056 >=5.730524292850e12
7.6e11 LLRLRRLLRLLLLLLLLLLRLRLR 11010356 >= 146880
1.4e12 LLRLRRLLRLLLLLLLLRRRLLRLR 21889332 >= 1573560
1.5e10 RRLRLLRRLRRRRRRRRRLRRLRLRR 56360651 >= 2364582528
16241131211 >= 65597220
LLRLRRLLRLLLLLLLLLLLRRLRLR 45089076 31460520 202740399826 200631077404 1.05%
5772148427 28301520 242294338124 241836027556 0.189%
120192715 34543080 318476375254 317869216552 0.191%
RRLRLLRRLRRRRRRRRRLRLLLLLR 34340555 478474920 3406262955480 3409034558708 0.081%
RRLRLLRRLRRRRRRRRRLLLLRLRR 54787787 777109320 6524244609340 6518789812888 0.083%