- 🔭 A passionate Computer Engineering Student
- 📬 You can email me at mayur9739kharmate6236@gmail.com. I'll try to respond as soon as possible!
- 📄 I’m currently open for an Intern or a new job opportunity, this is My Resume
E-Commerce-Web-Page using the HTML , PHP , CSS , JS
Smart Contract for health related medical records in Solidity Prgramming Language using Remix IDE .
In this project we used the IOT to display the empty as well as filled parking slots in the designated parking area over the Mobile phone using the Blynk application.
To Enhance Security in the hospital by detecting suspicious activities using IOT model by training using ML and also alert & report authorised personnel about the any detected suspicious activitiy .
Forked from starfish23/mangafeed
Free and open source manga reader for Android.
Kotlin 1