Games listing app that list console games from and store it into database then display to user.
- Modularization
- Persistence
- Pagination
- Material Design
- Support for Tablets (Multi Pane)
- Rotation Support
- Unit / UI Testing (Partial)
- Memory cache
- The app is offline first and I used
library withRoom
to help achieving SSOT (Single Source of Truth). - There's a unit test on API in the
layer. - Used clean architecture with MVVM to achieve code separation, easy testing, maintainable code and more. Also MVVM have a huge support from Google and the community.
- What I liked the most in the task is:
- Multi screens support, because it's nice to see an app that works on almost any screen device.
- Pagination using
was fun because when I was working on it I discovered that it handles most of the work I need to do to achieve the offline first feature.
- There's issue in mediator
cause to show error screen when there's no internet connection when the data is already cached instead of showing it directly. - The pagination not working when first time storing in db, you must close the app and reopen it again.
- The app is almost ready for the store, only a few bugs to fix if I have more time.
- Because of limited time this is other layers test cases from previous projects, examples:
// Define Mockito as a test runner
class UseCaseTest {
// Custom rule to switch all RX schedulers to trampoline
@get:Rule val immediateRule = RxImmediateSchedulerRule()
// Mocking the repository and entity
@Mock private lateinit var repository: Repository
@Mock private lateinit var entity: Entity
@Test fun `when use case called return complete`() {
// Act
// Assert
.apply {
// Define Mockito as a test runner
class ViewModelTest {
// Rule to handle LiveData
@get:Rule val executorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
private lateinit var viewModel: ViewModel
// Mocking the UseCase and LiveData
@Mock private lateinit var useCase: UseCase
@Mock private lateinit var liveData: Observer<Resource<List<UIModel>>>
// To capture the values from LiveData
@Captor private lateinit var captor: ArgumentCaptor<Resource<List<UIModel>>>
// Initializing the test dependencies
@Before fun setup() {
viewModel = ViewModel(useCase, Schedulers.trampoline(), Schedulers.trampoline())
@Test fun `call getData() then return success with two states`() {
// Act
val entity = Entity("", "", "", "", "", "", 0L, 0L)
.doReturn(Single.just(listOf(entity, entity)))
verify(livaData, times(2))
// Assert
captor.allValues.apply {
assertEquals(LOADING, first().state)
assertEquals(SUCCESS, last().state)
assertEquals(2, last().data?.count())
// Remove observers
@After fun tearDown() {
// UI Test using Espresso
class MainActivityTest {
@get:Rule val activityRule = ActivityScenarioRule(
@Before fun setup() {
IdlingPolicies.setIdlingResourceTimeout(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Test fun click_on_menu_item() {
onView(withContentDescription("More options")).perform(click())
@Test fun check_shimmer_loading_is_visible() {
@Test fun check_refresh_layout_visibility_then() {
@Test fun expand_collapse_recycler_view_items() {
RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(1, click()),
RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(1, click()),
RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(1, click()),
RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(3, click()),
RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(0, click()),
- The task was very good and challenging, made me to do some research to apply the best practices.
- It have a lot of requirements but on the other hand I was free to determine the time.
- In my point of view I don't think we need the memory cache feature since we store in db, but it can done easily by passing configured
object toOkHttpClient
that used byRetrofit
. - A side note, I estimated the task on the main features including pagination without the other bonus requirements but I figured that making most of bonus features will be good at the end.
Get one from and put it inside
like this API_KEY="api_key_here"
- Kotlin
- Clean Architecture
- RxKotlin
- RxAndroid
- Dagger (Hilt)
- Room
- Paging 3
- Retrofit
- gson
- okhttp
- Timber
- Glide
- Mockito