muhammadfaizanhaidar, fahdi
lifterlms, attendance, mark, award, reward, engagement, submission, nomination
GPLv2 or later
The Attendance Management For LifterLMS addon lets your user to mark their attendances in different courses.Admin & users can keep track of their attendances. You can now make your e-learning platform even more engaging.
The Attendance Management For LifterLMS addon lets your user to mark their attendances in different courses. Admin & users can keep track of their attendances. You can now make your e-learning platform even more engaging.
- LifterLMS
- This addon provides Attendance functionality for LifterLMS registered users.
- Students can mark their attendances and can view their attendances( count & percentages ).
- Admin can enable/disable the addon from lifterlms settings page in tab integrations and sub tab attendance.
- Admin can also manage attendance by disallowing attendance on desired courses.
- Admin can also view attendance of students in respective course edit page.
- Admin can turn the delete attendance data on. ( This will delete all users attendance related data on deleting the Attendance Management For LifterLMS Addon ).
- Admin can allow attendance globally. (This option will turn attendance on for all LifterLMS courses).
- Admin can use short code to see top attendant for any desired course.
- Students can see their attendance in respective courses. (Through Short Codes).
Before installation please make sure you have latest LifterLMS installed.
- Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
- Plugin settings assets/lifter-lms-settings-page-1.png
- Enable/disable plugin assets/lifterlms-settings-page-2.png
- Delete attendance data on uninstall assets/delete-on-uninstall.png
- Students can mark their attendances by cliking this button assets/mark-present.png
- Listing of students attendance in course edit pages assets/student-attendance-information.png
- Shortcodes to display attendance information assets/shortcodes1.png
- Display Attendance Information using shortcodes assets/attendance-display.png
- Admin can disallow attendance on specific courses assets/disallow-attendance.png
Can I use “Attendance Management For LifterLMS” addon and any other attendance addon simultaneously?
Yes, you can use “Attendance Management For LifterLMS” addon and any other attendance addon at the same time.
- Tested with latest versions of WordPress and LifterLMS.
- Added LifterLMS activation requirement in plugin boiler plate. 1.0.2
- Added WordPress coding standards.
- Added css style to Mark Present button.
- Removed unused code.
- Added function definations.
- Added compatibility with latest version of WordPress and LifterLMS.
- Replaced text domain constant with string.
- Intial release