- First of all: you must install the
folder which contains angular project, using npm install just because node modules may be missing.- Secondly: Spring Boot folder is straight forward just open the pom file using any IDE.
- Thirdly: you run the Angular project and on localhost:4200 and the Spring Boot project on localhost:8080.
Design Patterns |
Singelton Pattern |
Façade Pattern |
Snapshot Pattern |
Observer Pattern |
Producer Consumer Pattern |
We used about five design patterns, and we make sure that we used them when we need them, one creational, one structural, two behavioral and one concurrency design patterns as follow:
- Singleton design pattern: used to reduce the number of objects in the project.
- Façade Design Pattern: used in the network, which is used mainly by the controller, to create all objects and classes.
- Snapshot Design Pattern: used for our replay feature.
- Observer Design Pattern: used to check the queue of waiting products and to detect if a machine is ready and to detect any change in the network and send it to frontend.
- Producer/consumer Design Pattern: used to deal with machines and queues and control the multi-threading flow
- We assumed the user must begin and end with a queue.
- The machine’s color is red when it’s ready and every product has a different color
- Every machine must have a forward and backward queue.
- Production process’s real time is implemented by polling requests from front to back and request response is null if there is no change in network of backend.
- Network Creation: To create objects (Machines and Queues) you press on the object you want on the tools toolbar and then press once in the place you want the object to be placed in. To link two objects you press on the line tool and then press on the first object and drag the line to the second object. You can clear the Network, if you don’t like your created network, by pressing on the clear tool in the toolbar
- Network Running: After creating your network you can press on the play button which begins the simulation, and you can see the number of products in each object and a different color for each product. If you want to stop the simulation, you can press on the stop button in the toolbar.
- Simulation replay: If you want to replay the simulation then you can press on the replay button on the left toolbar, and the simulation will run again with everything the same as when the simulation was running for the first time
Follow this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/10kFN6lQ2Rq1-KNkBw34cVXdLZEGl_H7w/view