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Virtual Library 📚

You're building a virtual library app, and you need to create a set of classes to represent different types of media. You'll have books, movies, and music, each with their own unique properties. You'll need to create a base class for all media, and several subclasses for specific types of media. You'll also need to create a static method to keep track of the total number of media items in the library.

Running Code and Tests

  1. You can run any of the files with the command node PATH_TO_FILE.
  2. To run the tests, do the following in the root folder of this project:
npm install
npm test

Virtual Library Class Diagram

Underlined items are static method. Italicized items are static properties

Media Class

  1. In Media.js, create a Media class. The Media class should have the following properties and methods:
    • title: the title of the media (string)
    • year: the year the media was produced (number)
    • genre: the genre of the media (string)
    • totalMediaCount: A static property that tracks how many Media items have been created
    • summary(): a method that returns a summary of the media (string) as "Title: <TITTLE>, Year: <YEAR>, Genre: <GENRE>"
  2. Export the Media class using module.exports.
  3. In index.js, import Media using require.


const book = new Media('The Catcher in the Rye', 1951, 'Fiction');
Media.totalMediaCount; // 1
const music = new Media('Abbey Road', 1969, 'Rock');
Media.totalMediaCount; // 2
music.summary(); // "Title: Abbey Road, Year: 1969, Genre: Rock"

Book Class

  1. In Book.js, create a Book class. The Book class should be a subclass of Media. Import Media into the Book.js file using require.
  2. Book should have the following properties and methods:
    • author: the author of the book (string)
    • numPages: the number of pages in the book (number)
    • rating: the average rating of the book (number between 1-5)
    • summary(): a method that returns a summary of the book, including the author, number of pages, and rating (string) as "Title: <TITTLE>, Author: <AUTHOR>, Year: <YEAR>, Page Count: <NUM_PAGES>, Genre: <GENRE>, Rating: <RATING>"
  3. The Book class should have a static method highestRating that takes an array of Book items and returns the Book with the highest rating.
  4. Export the Book class using module.exports.
  5. In index.js, import Book using require.


const book1 = new Book('To Kill a Mockingbird', 1960, 'Fiction', 'Harper Lee', 281, 4.4);
Media.totalMediaCount; // 1
const book2 = new Book('The Bluest Eye', 1970, 'Fiction', 'Toni Morrison', 206, 4.6);
Media.totalMediaCount; // 2
book1.summary(); // "Title: To Kill a Mockingbird, Author: Harper Lee, Year: 1960, Page Count: 281, Genre: Fiction, Rating: 4.4"
Book.highestRating([book1, book2]); // Returns book2

Movie Class

  1. In Movie.js, create a Movie class. The Movie class should be a subclass of Media. Import Media into the Movie.js file using require.
  2. Music should have the following properties and methods:
    • director: the director of the movie (string)
    • duration: the duration of the movie in minutes (number)
    • rating: the average rating of the movie (number between 1-5)
    • summary(): a method that returns a summary of the movie, including the director, duration, and rating (string) as "Title: <TITTLE>, Director: <DIRECTOR>, Year: <YEAR>, Genre: <GENRE>, Duration: <DURATION>, Rating: <RATING>"
  3. The Movie class should have a static method longestMovie that takes an array of Movie objects and returns the Movie with the longest duration.
  4. Export the Movie class using module.exports.
  5. In index.js, import Movie using require.


const movie1 = new Movie('Inception', 2010, 'Sci-Fi', 'Christopher Nolan', 148, 4.5);
const movie2 = new Movie('The Godfather', 1972, 'Crime', 'Francis Ford Coppola', 175, 4.7);
Media.totalMediaCount; // 2
movie1.summary(); // "Title: Inception, Director: Christopher Nolan, Year: 2010, Genre: Sci-Fi, Rating: 4.5"
Movie.longestMovie([movie1, movie2]); // Returns movie2

Music Class

  1. In Music.js, create a Music class. The Music class should be a subclass of Media. Import Media into the Music.js file using require.
  2. Music should have the following properties and methods:
    • artist: the artist of the music (string)
    • length: the length of the music in seconds (number)
    • summary(): a method that returns a summary of the music, including the artist, album, and length (string) as "Title: <TITTLE>, Artist: <ARTIST>, Year: <YEAR>, Genre: <GENRE>, Length: <LENGTH>"
  3. The Music class should have a static method shortestAlbum that takes an array of Music objects and returns the Music object with the shortest song length.
  4. Export the Music class using module.exports.
  5. In index.js, import Music using require.
const music1 = new Music('Lemonade', 2016, 'R&B', 'Beyonce', 'Lemonade', 3949);
const music2 = new Music('Renaissance', 2022, 'R&B', 'Beyonce', 'Beyonce', 3734);
Media.totalMediaCount; // 2
music2.summary(); // "Title: Renaissance, Artist: Beyonce, Year: 2022, Genre: R&B, Length: 3734 seconds"
Music.shortestAlbum([music1, music2]); // Returns music2

Stretch: Enhance Your Library 🚀

  1. Create a class of Podcast that is a subclass of Music. Podcast should inherit all of the properties and methods from the Music class and have an additional properties and methods of:
    • host: A string with the name of the host.
    • episodeName: A string with the name of the episode
    • episodeNumber: A number with the episode number.
    • guests: An array of the guests on the particular episode.
    • listen(): Methods that returns the string <TITLE> - Episode: <EPISODE_TITLE>. Hosted by <HOST> and featuring guests <GUESTS>. Length: <LENGTH> seconds.
  2. Add a static method to Book and Movie called calculateAverageRating(): This should accept an array of Book or Movie objects and return the average rating for these objects.
  3. In Media create a static property of ALL_MEDIA. This should be an array that contains all Media objects created using the class.


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