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Muqsit Rayyan edited this page May 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Install the DEVirion plugin and start your server. This will generate a virions/ folder in your server's directory.

|-- plugins
|   `-- devirion.phar
|-- virions

Installing from pre-compiled .phar file

Pre-compiled .phar files can be downloaded from poggit.

Download the one with the branch named master if you are using the stable PocketMine branch (or if you do not know which branch you are using).
If you are running PocketMine's development build (API 4.0.0), download the one with the branch named 4.0.

Place the .phar file in your virions/ directory.

Installing from source

Clone the repository into the virions/ folder using git command.

git clone virions/InvMenu