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Apex Fixtures

This is a simple Salesforce Apex lib, based on six2six's Java Fixture Factory, with the purpose of helping build and organize test data in a simple and efficient way.


You can check out the sample code or just follow along with the docs.

Defining templates

You can define multiple templates for each SObject type. Template names can only repeat for different SObject types.

The template fields can be defined using a prototype SObject for fixed data, and generators for generated data. It's not required that you use both ways (i.e. you can define a template just using fixed data, or just using generators).

An example of a template definition using a mix of fixed and generated data looks like so:

    .withPrototype(new Account(
        BillingCountry = 'Brazil',
        BillingState = 'Sao Paulo',
        BillingCity = 'Sao Paulo',
        BillingStreet = 'Paulista Ave.'
         generator(Account.Name, any('Jhon', 'Jennifer'))
        .generator(Account.Phone, random(1111111111L, 1199999999L).asString())
        .generator(Account.LegalIdentification__c, cpf().formatted())


Generators are useful for providing randomly generated or randomly picked data to the records.

Alias Description
identity(any) return the provided param
any(list) returns a random element from the list
random(min, max) returns a random value in a range. Supports Integer, Long, Double, Decimal, Date, DateTime as params
randomString(size) returns a random alphanumeric string of the specified size
email(), email(domain) returns a random email address, optionally specifying the domain
cpf() returns a random brazilian natural person identification number. Supports .formatted()


Some generators allow the data to be converted to another primitive type. They can be called just after the generators. e.g: random(0, 100).asString()

Alias Description
asString() converts value to String
asInteger() converts value to Integer
asLong() converts value to Long
asDouble() converts value to Double
asDecimal() converts value to Decimal

Create objects using templates

Just pass the template name

Account account = (Account) Fixture.pick(Account.class).create('valid');

Or pass a prototype as well

Passing a prototype will merge the objects. The prototype fields's values overwrite the template ones.

Account account = (Account) Fixture.pick(Account.class).create('valid', new Account(
    Name = 'Tesla, Inc.'


Salesforce Apex test fixtures lib







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