This example demonstrates integration of observability tools (traces linked to logs, metrics) with Drupal, to get a full tracing information from a frontend application to the Drupal at the backend.
It is based on DDEV project to quickly get a full local working instance with all required services:
- NPM for the frontend app (React).
- PHP and Nginx for the backend app (Drupal).
- Tempo for collecting traces.
- Loki for collecting logs.
- Prometheus for collecting metrics.
- Grafana for visualizing traces, metrics and logs.
git clone
cd drupal-observability-example
ddev config --docroot=web --project-type=drupal10 --create-docroot
ddev start
ddev exec "composer install"
ddev exec "drush site-install -y"
ddev exec "drush pm:install observability_example -y"
ddev exec "drush devel-generate:content"
drush uli
Then open in your browser the React app on the url and see the loaded articles.
Then - open Grafana at the url and go to Explore, select "Tempo" datasource, choose Query type "Search", press "Run query" and see the traces.
To see how custom spans in Drupal code work - open the url several times (it produces exceptions in 30% of calls - it's intendend) and then - refresh the list of traces.