This is a basic calculator application built using PyQt5, a Python library for creating desktop applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.
- Decimal point (.) support.
- Percentage calculation.
- Clear (AC) and backspace (<x) buttons for input control.
- Responsive GUI design.
- Error handling for division by zero and other exceptions.
Before running the application, you need to have Python 3 and PyQt5 installed on your system. You can install PyQt5 using pip:
pip install PyQt5
To run the calculator application, execute the following command:
Use the number buttons (0-9) to input numbers. Press the operation buttons (+, -, *, /) to perform calculations. The "=" button computes the result of the expression. The "%" button calculates percentages. The "AC" button clears the input. The "<x" button removes the last character. Use the decimal point (.) for floating-point numbers.
Contributions to this calculator application are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or improvements, feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request.