The time class is defined to handle time-related operations. It takes a time string in the format "HH:MM:SS" as input during initialization. It parses the input time string, validates it, and stores the hours, minutes, and seconds as separate attributes. It includes methods to increment hours, minutes, and seconds by 5 units. The tek method formats the time as "HH:MM:SS" and prints it. This class provides basic time manipulation functionality.
The zodiac function takes a date string in the format "DD.MM" as input. It validates the input to ensure the day and month are within appropriate ranges. Based on the date, it determines the Zodiac sign associated with that date and prints it. The function handles each month's date ranges and Zodiac signs.
The Mikrob function is designed to convert a given number (n) into a microbe's time format. It calculates how many doublings (doim), minutes, hours, and days are needed to reach or exceed the given number. It formats and prints the result in the format "D-days H-hours M-minutes." The script offers a collection of functions that can be used independently for various time and date-related tasks. It demonstrates basic input validation and date-to-Zodiac sign conversion while also providing a unique microbe time format conversion.
The sana function calculates the difference in days between two given dates. It takes two date lists, sana1 and sana2, as input and prints the absolute difference in days. The function uses the date class from the datetime module to perform the date calculations.
The shar function generates random answers to a question. It takes a question as input (although it is defined with self, it doesn't use it) and prints a random answer from a predefined list of possible answers. harf_raqam Function
The harf_raqam function converts letters in names to their corresponding numeric values. It takes two names as input, converts each letter in the names to its numeric value, and then prints the sum of the numeric values of the letters in both names.
The script reads a date in the format "YYYY-MM" from the user. It then uses the calendar module to print the calendar for the specified month and year.