Digital Enabling GmbH
Rheinstr. 5
63225 Langen
The app's transparency and security are of great importance to users. For this reason, the licensor would like to disclose the source programs of the app and enable users to check and analyze the source programs. Editing, further development, distribution or other use of the source programs is not permitted.
Detailed license conditions can be found in the LICENSE file.
Source code for releases of the ID Wallet will be provided in a timely manner and for each major and minor version change. Patch and bug fix releases are excluded.
The ID Wallet requires libraries that are not included in this repository:
- src/libs-ios/libcrypto.a (Get it from:
- src/libs-ios/libindy.a (Get it from:
- src/libs-ios/libsodium.a (Get it from:
- src/libs-ios/libssl.a (Get it from:
- src/libs-ios/libzmq.a (Get it from:
Get it from
- src/libs-android/arm64-v8a/
- src/libs-android/arm64-v8a/
- src/libs-android/armeabi-v7a/
- src/libs-android/armeabi-v7a/
- src/libs-android/x86/
- src/libs-android/x86/
- src/libs-android/x86_64/
- src/libs-android/x86_64/
Get it from:
- src/libs-android/arm64-v8a/
- src/libs-android/armeabi-v7a/
- src/libs-android/x86/
- src/libs-android/x86_64/
To use the Governikus AusweisApp2 SDK it requires two binding subprojects for both iOS and Android.
- src/IDWallet.AusweisSDK.iOS/ ( and
- src/IDWallet.AusweisSDK.Android/ ( and
Some configuration needs to be set:
- src/IDWallet/WalletParams.cs
- MediatorEndpoint
- MediatorConnectionAliasName
- SafetyNetApiKey
- NotificationHubName
- ListenConnectionString
- MobileSecret
- MobileToken
- AusweisHost
- TeamId
- PushServiceName
- src/IDWallet.Android/google-services.json
Set public keys hashes (key pinning) and API-Key of Bundesdruckerei API
- src/IDWallet/Services/SDKMessageService.cs
It is recommended to build the project directly from a Xamarin compatible IDE (e.g. Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider). For building and running the iOS app you will need to be on or to be connected to a Mac with the macOS operating system with all necessary Xamarin dependencies ( installed. Further information for Android can also be found here: