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Authentication and Authorization

Andrew Bullock edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 1 revision


Identification, Authentication and Authorization are performed through implementations of IAuthenticationMechanism. These are registered with the Container per-project and are invoked at various stages in the pipeline to read information from the Request, Authorize the user and write information to the Response.


In a project's registry, you want to register the authentication mechanisms you want to support, e.g.:

container.Register<IAuthenticationMechanism, StudentCookieAuthenticationMechanism>();

You also need to include the following pair of PipelineOperators

// This wants to run very early on
container.Register<IPipelineOperator, AuthenticateRequestPipelineOperator>(Lifecycle.HttpContextOrThreadLocal);

// This wants to run just before ResultExecution
container.Register<IPipelineOperator, AuthenticationMethodPostHandlerExecutionPipelineOperator>(Lifecycle.HttpContextOrThreadLocal);

IAuthenticationMechanism: Identification

IAuthTicket IAuthenticationMechanism.TryIdentify(PipelineContext context);

This method attempts to identify the user from the request. This should simply parse headers/cookies/whatever to get the identifying information and should not do any authorization or authentication.

IAuthenticationMechanism: Authentication and Authorization

Task<IResult> IAuthenticationMechanism.AuthenticateAndAuthorize(PipelineContext context, object attribute);

This method should authenticate and authorize the identity. This is called by the presence of an Authorize attribute on a Handler or Handler Method.

IAuthenticationMechanism: Set Response

void IAuthenticationMechanism.SetResponse(PipelineContext context, IAuthTicket originalAuthTicket, IAuthTicket  newAuthTicket);

This method should be used to set any necessary response headers, such as a cookie


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