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Client library for the UNiDAYS API


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UNiDAYS Java Library

This is the Java library for integrating with UNiDAYS. This is to be used for coded and codeless integrations. The following documentation provides descriptions of the implementations and examples.


How to use this code?

Direct Tracking

Codeless Verification


How to use this code

  • If using pom add

  • If using Gradle add:
repositories {
    maven {
          url ""

dependencies {
    compile "com.myunidays:myunidays:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  • See the example usage section for the type of call you intend to use. Each of these contains an example.

Direct Tracking


Here is a description of all available parameters. Which of these you provide are dependent on the agreed contract.

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter Description Data Type Example
PartnerId Your PartnerId as provided by UNiDAYS. If you operate in multiple geographic regions you MAY have a different PartnerId for each region Base64 Encoded Guid XaxptFh0sK8Co6pI==
TransactionId A unique ID for the transaction in your system String Order123
Currency The ISO 4217 currency code String GBP

Having either Code or MemberID as a parameter is also mandatory:

Parameter Description Data Type Example
Code The UNiDAYS discount code used String ABC123
MemberId Only to be provided if you are using a codeless integration Base64 Encoded Guid 0LTio6iVNaKj861RM9azJQ==

Additional Parameters

Note any of the following properties to which the value is unknown should be omitted from calls. Which of the following values you provide to us will depend on your agreed contract.

Parameter Description Data Type Example
OrderTotal Total monetary amount paid, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 209.00
ItemsUNiDAYSDiscount Total monetary amount of UNiDAYS discount applied on gross item value ItemsGross, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 13.00
ItemsTax Total monetary amount of tax applied to items, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 34.50
ShippingGross Total monetary amount of shipping cost, before any shipping discount or tax applied, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 5.00
ShippingDiscount Total monetary amount of shipping discount (UNiDAYS or otherwise) applied to the order, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 3.00
ItemsGross Total monetary amount of the items, including tax, before any discounts are applied, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 230.00
ItemsOtherDiscount Total monetary amount of all non UNiDAYS discounts applied to ItemsGross, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 10.00
UNiDAYSDiscountPercentage The UNiDAYS discount applied, as a percentage, formatted to 2 decimal places Decimal 10.00
NewCustomer Is the user a new (vs returning) customer to you? Boolean true or false

Example Basket

Here is an example basket with the fields relating to UNiDAYS tracking parameters,

Item Gross UNiDAYS Discount Other Discount Tax Net Total Line Total
Shoes 100.00 0.00 0.00 16.67 83.33 100.00
Shirt 50.00 5.00 0.00 7.50 37.50 45.00
Jeans 80.00 8.00 10.00 10.33 51.67 62.00
Totals 230.00 13.00 10.00 34.50 172.50 207.00
Shipping 5.00
Shipping Discount 3.00
Order Total 209.00

Example Usage

Below are the three options for implementing your integration. These examples cover both coded and codeless integrations (see the live analytics PDF for details) and include all optional parameters. They are intended as a guideline for implementation.


When using a server-to-server request (using Get Server URL or Tracking Client) your framework/implementation must support TLS >= 1.2 with SNI.

Get Server URL

This method returns a URL which you can use to call our API.

It is a mandatory requirement that all server URLs are signed. This means you are required to pass the signing key UNiDAYS provide you with as one of the arguments.The signing key is a Base64 encoded GUID. This endpoint accepts both GET and POST requests.

Making the call

The method to get the URL to make a server-to-server request with is trackingServerUrl(key). To implement this method you first need to use the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder to create a direct tracking object with the properties you want to send across to us. More details about this builder can be found here.

Once the object containing the details you need to send us is created, create a Tracking helper, providing those details as an argument new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails) and call .trackingServerUrl(signingKey) where signingKey is the key provided to you by UNiDAYS.


A URL will be returned, which can then be used to call the API. If successful a response with a status code of 204 No Content will be returned. This will work for both POST and GET requests.


public class Program {
    public static void Main(String... args) {
        // UNiDAYS will provide your partnerId and signingKey. The partnerId GUID needs to be Base64 encoded before passing it to the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder.
        String partnerId = "somePartnerId";
        String signingKey = "someSigningKey";

        DirectTrackingDetails directTrackingDetails = new DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder(partnerId, "GBP", "the transaction")
                                    .withOrderTotal(new BigDecimal("209.00"))
                                    .withItemsUnidaysDiscount(new BigDecimal("13.00"))
                                    .withCode("a code")
                                    .withItemsTax(new BigDecimal("34.50"))
                                    .withShippingGross(new BigDecimal("5.00"))
                                    .withShippingDiscount(new BigDecimal("3.00"))
                                    .withItemsGross(new BigDecimal("230.00"))
                                    .withItemsOtherDiscount(new BigDecimal("10.00"))
                                    .withUnidaysDiscountPercentage(new BigDecimal("10.00"))

        URI uri = new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails).trackingServerUrl(signingKey);

Get Script URL

This is also known as our client-to-server integration. This method returns a URL which can be placed within a script element on your post-payment/order-success page to call the API.

Unsigned or Signed

It's an option to create a signed url for your script request. To do this you will need to pass the signing key UNiDAYS provide you with as one of the arguments.

URI uri = new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails).trackingScriptUrl(signingKey);

Instead of

URI uri = new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails).trackingScriptUrl();

Making the call

The method to get the URL to make a server-to-server request with is trackingServerUrl() or trackingServerUrl(key) if you've chosen to have a signed URL returned. To implement this method you first need to use the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder to create a direct tracking object with the properties you want to send across to us. More details about this builder can be found here.

Once the object containing the details you need to send us is created, create a Tracking helper, providing those details as an argument new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails) and call .trackingScriptUrl() for an unsigned url or .trackingScriptUrl(signingKey), where signingKey is the key provided to you by UNiDAYS.


A script URL will be returned to you. If successful a response with a status code of 200 OK will be returned. This will only work for GET requests.


public class Program {
    public static void Main(String... args) {
        // UNiDAYS will provide your partnerId. The partnerId GUID needs to be Base64 encoded before passing it to the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder
        String partnerId = "somePartnerId";

        DirectTrackingDetails directTrackingDetails = new DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder(partnerId, "GBP", "the transaction")
                                    .withOrderTotal(new BigDecimal("209.00"))
                                    .withItemsUnidaysDiscount(new BigDecimal("13.00"))
                                    .withCode("a code")
                                    .withItemsTax(new BigDecimal("34.50"))
                                    .withShippingGross(new BigDecimal("5.00"))
                                    .withShippingDiscount(new BigDecimal("3.00"))
                                    .withItemsGross(new BigDecimal("230.00"))
                                    .withItemsOtherDiscount(new BigDecimal("10.00"))
                                    .withUnidaysDiscountPercentage(new BigDecimal("10.00"))

        URI uri = new TrackingHelper(directTrackingDetails).trackingServerUrl();

Tracking Client

Calls to the tracking client is similar to get server url but rather than returning a URL, UNiDAYS sends the request and returns a response.

It is a mandatory requirement that all codeless client calls are provided with a key, as the requests UNiDAYS send are signed.

Making the call

To implement this method you first need to use the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder to create a direct tracking object with the properties you want to send across to us. More details about this builder can be found here.

Once the object containing the details you need to send us is created, create an instance of the tracking client, providing those details as an argument, along with the provided signing key new TrackingClient(directTrackingDetails, signingKey) and call .send().


A HttpResponseMessage is returned. If successful the response should have a status code of 204 No Content.


The below example sets up some direct tracking details, calls .send() on the client, checks if the status code of the response message is a successful call (2xx) then reads out the content as a string.

public class Program {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        // UNiDAYS will provide your partnerId and signingKey. The partnerId GUID needs to be Base64 encoded before passing it to the DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder
        String partnerId = "somePartnerId";
        String signingKey = "someSigningKey";

        DirectTrackingDetails directTrackingDetails =
            new DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder(partnerId, "GBP", "the transaction id")
                    .withOrderTotal(new BigDecimal("209.00"))
                    .withItemsUnidaysDiscount(new BigDecimal("13.00"))
                    .withCode("a code")
                    .withItemsTax(new BigDecimal("34.50"))
                    .withShippingGross(new BigDecimal("5.00"))
                    .withShippingDiscount(new BigDecimal("3.00"))
                    .withItemsGross(new BigDecimal("230.00"))
                    .withItemsOtherDiscount(new BigDecimal("10.00"))
                    .withUnidaysDiscountPercentage(new BigDecimal("10.00"))

       try (TrackingClient client = new TrackingClient(directTrackingDetails, signingKey)) {
           HttpResponse response = client.send().get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

           if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {
               // The response body contains a json description of the errors
       } catch (Exception ex) {

Test Endpoint

UNiDAYS provide test endpoints for each of the above types of call which are as follows:

  • trackingServerTestUrl(string key)
  • trackingScriptTestUrl()
  • trackingScriptTestUrl(string key)

These methods add an extra parameter (&Test=True) to the URL that is returned to you, or sent for you. These endpoints are to be used to test your integration.

Direct Tracking Details Builder

The purpose of the builder is to make it simple and intuitive when constructing any tracking request to UNiDAYS.

The arguments on the builder are the mandatory parameters:

DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder builder = new DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder(partnerId, currency, transactionId);

There are then a variety of methods available to build up the information you want to send us which can be chained up per the example. These match up to the parameters at the top of this document

  • withMemberId(base64 encoded Guid)
  • withCode(String)
  • withOrderTotal(BigDecimal)
  • withItemsUnidaysDiscount(BigDecimal)
  • withItemsTax(BigDecimal)
  • withShippingGross(BigDecimal)
  • withShippingDiscount(BigDecimal)
  • withItemsGross(BigDecimal)
  • withItemsOtherDiscount(BigDecimal)
  • withUnidaysDiscountPercentage(BigDecimal)
  • withNewCustomer(booelan)

Only chain the values that you have contractually agreed to provide. It is not a requirement to use every method.

The final call to be chained is .build() which creates the object.


public class Program {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        DirectTrackingDetails directTrackingDetails =
            new DirectTrackingDetailsBuilder("somePartnerId", "GBP", "the transaction")
                    .withOrderTotal(new BigDecimal("209.00"))
                    .withItemsUnidaysDiscount(new BigDecimal("13.00"))
                    .withCode("a code")
                    .withItemsTax(new BigDecimal("34.50"))
                    .withShippingGross(new BigDecimal("5.00"))
                    .withShippingDiscount(new BigDecimal("3.00"))
                    .withItemsGross(new BigDecimal("230.00"))
                    .withItemsOtherDiscount(new BigDecimal("10.00"))
                    .withUnidaysDiscountPercentage(new BigDecimal("10.00"))

Codeless Verification

If you have agreed to provide UNiDAYS Members with a codeless experience, alongside direct tracking, you will also need to implement the 'Codeless API' which will assist you with parsing and validating the signed traffic we direct towards your site.

Codeless API

Making the call

First call the CodelessUrlVerifier with the key provided to you by UNiDAYS new CodelessUrlVerifier(key). Then call VerifyUrlParams(ud_s, ud_t, ud_h) method with the values for ud_s, ud_t and ud_h as the arguments.

Parameter Description Data Type Max Length Example
ud_s UNiDAYS verified student ID String 256 chars Do/faqh330SGgCnn4t3X4g==
ud_t Timestamp for the request String 64 bits 1375349460
ud_h Hash signature of the other two parameters Base64 String GBP o9Cg3q2eVElZxYlJsEAQ==


If the method successfully validates the hash of the incoming request, a DateTime for the request will be returned; else null will be returned.


public class Program {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        // Your key as provided by UNiDAYS
        String signingKey = "someSigningKey";

        // Obtain parameters from the query string. Be sure to URL Decode them
        String ud_s = "Do/faqh330SGgCnn4t3X4g==";
        String ud_t = "1395741712";
        String ud_h = "i38dJdX+XLKuE4F5tv+Knpl5NPtu5zrdsjnqBQliJEJE4NkMmfurVnUaT46WluRYoD1/f5spAqU36YgeTMCNeg==";

        CodelessUrlVerifier verifier = new CodelessUrlVerifier(signingKey);
        Optional<ZonedDateTime> verifiedAt = verifier.verifyUrlParams(ud_s, ud_t, ud_h);


This project is set up as an open source project. As such, if there are any suggestions that you have for features, for improving the code itself, or you have come across any problems; you can raise them and/or suggest changes in implementation.

If you are interested in contributing to this codebase, please follow the contributing guidelines. This contains guides on both contributing directly and raising feature requests or bug reports. Please adhere to our code of conduct when doing any of the above.


Client library for the UNiDAYS API



Code of conduct





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