Instructions to run simulations
cd run_scripts
chmod +x
- o/p log "log_operation1.txt" will be created inside "log" directory
- operation1 does "result = a*b+c*d", where result,a,b,c,d are all 32 bit IEEE floating pt. numbers
cd run_scripts
chmod +x
- o/p log "log_operation2.txt" will be created inside "log" directory
- operation2 does "result = a/b+c/d", where result,a,b,c,d are all 32 bit IEEE floating pt. numbers
cd run_scripts
chmod +x
- o/p log "log_operation3.txt" will be created inside "log" directory
cd run_scripts
chmod +x
- o/p log "log_rocc_accel.txt" will be created inside "log" directory
So we will have the signal inst[31:0] going to the ROCC accelerator
inst[31:25] = funct7
inst[24:20] = rs2
inst[19:15] = rs1
inst[14] = xd
inst[13] = xs1
inst[12] = xs2
inst[11:7] = rd
inst[6:5] = opcode
According to format above
opcode = 0 (For Neurosynapse accelerator, only 2 bits are sent)
xd = 0 (ROCC core will expect nothing in return, all return values will be stored in local physical register file)
xs1 = 1 (ROCC core will provide rs1)
xs2 = 1 (ROCC core will provide rs2)
rs1 = 5'b00000 (fixed register address from which all rs1 operands will come)
rs2 = 5'b00001 (fixed register address from which all rs2 operands will come)
rd = (destination register address of local reg file taken as it is) - 5 bits so 32 addresses possible
funct7 = operation1/operation2/operation3
operation1 = 7'b0000_001
operation2 = 7'b0000_010
operation3 = 7'b0000_011
Supply the following from ROCC_core (TB in our case)
inst[31:0] = ROCC_instruction
- rs1[63:32] = 1st_operand
- rs2[31:0] = 2nd_operand
- rs2[63:32] = 3rd_operand
- rs2[31:0] = 4th_operand
valid should be held high while giving instruction and held stable until ready (coming from ROCC_accel)
is high.
When (valid && ready === 1), complete request will be accepted and ready will be made low until ROCC_accel completes
processing present instruction and goes for next one
Nothing to supply back to the core, write
the result [31:0] value to register address specified by rd=inst[11:7]
Then how to get the value written to local register file if there is no reg_read stage or spec does not allow it?
Approach will be -
Get it from TB the register value written to by previous operation.
-> Store previous "rd" from previous sent inst[31:5]
-> Tap Register_File[rd] of DUT in TB when operation of rocc_accel completes
-> Send this value along with others in next inst[31:5]