ESP_ANSI_Art is a simple function/code that provide a DOS IBM437 Font and color @PCBoard syntax on ESP8266 / ESP32 / ARDUINO and an LCD screen ( ie : ILI9341 )
Nothing special (have a look at the provided code ;) )
FYI the code use TFT_eSPI lib
simply add
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include "font.h"
and use the provided PRINT or PRINTLN (print + Line Feed) functions.
PRINT("Hello World");
PRINT("@X0AHello World"); // Will output Bright Green on Black
PRINT("@X1EHello World"); // Will output Bright Yellow on Bleu
Color command is simple : @Xab where "a" is the background color and "b" the text color.
color code are :
for the background :
- 0 -> Black
- 1 -> Blue
- 2 -> Green
- 3 -> Cyan
- 4 -> Red
- 5 -> Magenta
- 6 -> Yellow
- 7 -> White
for the text :
- 0 -> Black
- 1 -> Blue
- 2 -> Green
- 3 -> Cyan
- 4 -> Red
- 5 -> Magenta
- 6 -> Yellow
- 7 -> White
- 8 -> Bright Black (Gray)
- 9 -> Bright Blue
- A -> Bright Green
- B -> Bright Cyan
- C -> Bright Red
- D -> Bright Magenta
- E -> Bright Yellow
- F -> Bright White
you can naturally use the entire 255 charset of the DOS 437 FONT :
PRINTLN("@X30░▒▓ @X0FHello World @X30▓▒░");
you can use the ANSIPOS function to place your "cursor" where you want before PRINT. (home is 1,1 upper left corner).
You can easily draw your ansi art using TheDraw ( under dosbox ) and save it at @PcBoard syntax. After that simply convert your PCB file to UTF8 ;)
iconv -f IBM437 -t UTF-8 MyArt.PCB -o MyArt.PCB.UTF8
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.