This is a Java Based open source project useful to manage the creation and the storage of your passwords with the Glider ecosystem
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
- Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.N7ghtm4r3:Glider:1.0.2'
- Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
- Add the dependency
- Java
This project will be constantly developed to reach different platforms to work on, following the platforms releases steps:
- Mobile
- Android -> available!
- iOS
- Desktop Glider version
To start the Glider service on your own backend infrastructure you will need to following these steps
public static void main(String[] args) {
* if set on true this session will allow only one device connected, if set on false this session allow
* multiple devices connected
* **/
boolean isSingleUseMode = //flag value
* if set on true this session will create a QRCode (hosted on the next port that you choose, e.g. 21 -> 22)
* with the credentials to connect at the session create, if set on false this option will be disabled
* **/
boolean QRCodeLoginEnabled = //flag value
* the service port where the Glider' service will accept the requests
* **/
int hostPort = //port value
* whether the session can accept requests outside localhost
* **/
boolean runInLocalhost = //flag value;
//Creation of the launcher
GliderLauncher launcher = new GliderLauncher("your_database_path", "session_password", isSingleUseMode,
QRCodeLoginEnabled, hostPort, runInLocalhost);
//Starting of the service
* This will make throw an Exception to make you save the session data:
* {
* "databasePath": "your_database_path.db",
* "secretKey": "your_secret_key",
* "ivSpec": "your_iv_spec",
* "token": "your_token"
* }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//Pass the credentials created at the first run with a file in JSON format
GliderLauncher launcher = new GliderLauncher(new File("path_to_credentials_file.json"));
//Pass the credentials created at the first run in JSON format
GliderLauncher launcher = new GliderLauncher(new JSONObject("{\n" +
" \"databasePath\": \"your_database_path.db\",\n" +
" \"secretKey\": \"your_secret_key\",\n" +
" \"ivSpec\": \"your_iv_spec\",\n" +
" \"token\": \"your_token\"\n" +
//Pass the credentials created at the first run one by one
GliderLauncher launcher = new GliderLauncher("your_database_path", "your_token", "your_iv_spec",
//Starting of the service
If you need help using the library or encounter any problems or bugs, please contact us via the following links:
Thank you for your help!
If you want support project and developer: 0x5f63cc6d13b16dcf39cd8083f21d50151efea60e
If you want support project and developer with PayPal
Copyright © 2023 Tecknobit