This repository implements the search API v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for the PDS registry.
It is composed with the following subcomponents:
- lexer: parse the API request queries (q parameter), based on antlr4 grammar
- model: library end-point controller definition and response objects generated from the openAPI specification (see
- service: the API service, a spring-boot application
For the API to work, you also need ElasticSearch/OpenSearch with some test data loaded in it.
Based on docker
you can easily start all the prerequisites as configured in the registry
repository. This repository is also useful to run the integration tests:
git clone
Start the prerequisites by following the Quick Start Guide
Get the latest stable release
Download the zip or tar.gz 'registry-api-service-1.0.0-bin' file.
Follow instructions in README.txt in the decompressed folder
To build and run the application you need:
- jdk 17
- maven
Additionally, harvested data will only be picked up correctly by the API if all of the following are true:
- the data has been given a status of "archived" using registry-mgr
- the registry-sweepers have been executed to update required metadata, see
There are two approaches to running a local development instance of the API
Kill the existing API container
docker kill docker-registry-api-1
Temporarily disable certificate verification by making the following modification to
Build the application
mvn clean install
Start the application
cd service mvn spring-boot:run
The API will now be accessible on (by default) https://localhost:8080
Specific configuration profile: if you run the application in a specific environment you can define a dedicated
, for
that does not need to be commited on git. Launch it as follow:mvn spring-boot:run
Your local docker image will be used in the integration deployment described below.
mvn spring-boot:build-image
Go to http://localhost:8080
You can deploy the registry-api together with all other components of the registry (harvest, opensearch, ...) and reference datasets.
Clone the registry
repository, and launch the docker compose script as described in
For example, launch:
docker compose --profile int-registry-batch-loader up
The integration tests will be automatically applied. Check the results, update/complete them as necessary
Important note: As a developer you are asked to complete the postman test suite according to the new feature you are developing. Do a pull request in the registry
project to submit the updates.
Integration test are maintained in postman.
Install the postman desktop, from
Download and open the test suite found in
In the registry
Launch the test in command line:
npm install newman
newman run docker/postman/postman_collection.json --env-var baseUrl=http://localhost:8080