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blenback committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent f9a9909 commit dfd042a
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Showing 116 changed files with 35,818 additions and 647 deletions.
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions NFF_coding.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
title: Project
subtitle: "Details of the projects research method"
comments: false
title-block-banner: "#f6f8fa"

The graphic below shows the steps of the NASCENT-Peru project workflow for creating and simulating normative, nature-positive scenarios for future landscape development in Peru. Click on each step to learn more about it.

<img src="project/workflow_NASCENT_Peru.png" usemap="#image-map" class="wf_map">

<map name="image-map">
<area target="" alt="Workshops" title="Workshops" href="#workshops" coords="8.3%,25%,8%" shape="circle">
<area target="" alt="Narratives" title="Narratives" href="#narratives" coords="25%,75%,8%" shape="circle">
<area target="" alt="Quantification" title="Quantification" href="#quantification" coords="41.7%,25%,8%" shape="circle">
<area target="" alt="Simulations" title="Simulations" href="#simulations" coords="58.3%,75%,8%" shape="circle">
<area target="" alt="Economic analysis" title="Economic analysis" href="#economic-analysis" coords="75%,25%,8%" shape="circle">
<area target="" alt="Communication" title="Communication" href="#communication" coords="91.7%,75%,8%" shape="circle">

function updateMapCoords() {
const img = document.querySelector('.wf_map');
if (!img) return;

const width = img.offsetWidth;
const height = img.offsetHeight;

const areasPercent = [
{x: 8.3, y: 25, r: 28}, // Workshops
{x: 25, y: 75, r: 28}, // Narratives
{x: 41.7, y: 25, r: 28}, // Workshops
{x: 58.3, y: 75, r: 28}, // Narratives
{x: 75, y: 25, r: 28}, // Workshops
{x: 91.7, y: 75, r: 28}, // Narratives
// Add the rest of your areas here

const areas = document.querySelectorAll('area');
areas.forEach((area, index) => {
if (index >= areasPercent.length) return;
const ap = areasPercent[index];
const coords = [
Math.round(ap.x * width / 100),
Math.round(ap.y * height / 100),
Math.round(ap.r * Math.min(width, height) / 100) // Assuming radius scales with the smaller of width or height
area.coords = coords.join(',');

window.onload = updateMapCoords;
window.onresize = updateMapCoords;

### Workshops: {#workshops}

The project's participatory process involves a series of workshops, both national and regional, that bring together stakeholders and experts. The aim is to collaboratively identify desirable and undesirable aspects of future landscape change.

#### Workshop Locations
#| echo: false
#| warning: false
library(fontawesome) #devtools::install_github("rstudio/fontawesome")
national <- makeAwesomeIcon(text = fa("people-roof"),
iconColor = 'white',
library = 'fa',
markerColor = 'darkgreen')
regional <- makeAwesomeIcon(text = fa("people-roof"),
iconColor = 'white',
library = 'fa',
markerColor = 'lightgreen')
#uncomment for saving map
#Workshop_locations <-
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(zoomControl = FALSE,
attributionControl=FALSE)) %>%
#addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldTerrain) %>%
addTiles() %>% # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
icon= national,
popup="Lima, National Workshop 9th May",
label = "Lima, National Workshop, 9th May",
labelOptions = labelOptions(#noHide = TRUE,
direction = "bottom",
style = list("color" = "black",
"font-family" = "Roboto",
"font-style" = "italic",
"box-shadow" = "3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
"font-size" = "12px",
"border-color" = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)")))%>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng=-69.189, lat=-12.594, icon = regional, popup="Puerto Maldonado, Regional Workshop", label = "Puerto Maldonado Regional Workshop 28th May",
labelOptions = labelOptions(#noHide = TRUE,
direction = "bottom",
style = list("color" = "black",
"font-family" = "Roboto",
"font-style" = "italic",
"box-shadow" = "3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
"font-size" = "12px",
"border-color" = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)")))%>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng=-77.529, lat=-9.526, icon = regional, popup="Huaraz, Regional Workshop", label = "Huaraz, Regional Workshop 4th June",
labelOptions = labelOptions(#noHide = TRUE,
direction = "bottom",
style = list("color" = "black",
"font-family" = "Roboto",
"font-style" = "italic",
"box-shadow" = "3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
"font-size" = "12px",
"border-color" = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)")))%>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng=-76.370, lat=-6.485, icon = regional, popup="Tarapoto, Regional Workshop", label = "Tarapoto, Regional Workshop 10th June",
labelOptions = labelOptions(#noHide = TRUE,
direction = "bottom",
style = list("color" = "black",
"font-family" = "Roboto",
"font-style" = "italic",
"box-shadow" = "3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
"font-size" = "12px",
"border-color" = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)")))%>%
addAwesomeMarkers(lng=-80.63282, lat=-5.19449, icon = regional, popup="Piura, Regional Workshop", label="Piura, Regional Workshop 20th May",
labelOptions = labelOptions(#noHide = TRUE,
direction = "bottom",
style = list("color" = "black",
"font-family" = "Roboto",
"font-style" = "italic",
"box-shadow" = "3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",
"font-size" = "12px",
"border-color" = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)")))
#save as html
# mapview::mapshot2(x= Workshop_locations,
# url = "img/Workshop_locations.html",
# remove_controls = NULL,
# cliprect = "viewport",
# selfcontained = TRUE)
# #save image
# mapview::mapshot2(x= Workshop_locations,
# file = "img/workshop_locations.png",
# remove_controls = TRUE,
# #vwidth=1800,
# #vheight=950,
# #cliprect = "viewport",
# cliprect = c(40, 30, 620, 875), #ALL OF PERU
# expand= c(400,0,0,700),
# #,selfcontained = TRUE
# )

<!-- ### Timeline
<img data-quarto-disable-processing="true" src="project/Timeline.png" style="height: 150%; width: 150%;);"/> -->

## Narratives: {#narratives}
In addition to the workshops, an online survey is conducted. Based on the information gathered through the workshops and survey, explorative and normative scenarios are created. The exploratory scenarios consist of 'business as usual' and negative scenarios, while the normative scenarios consist of nature-positive scenarios.

## Quantification: {#quantification}
The rates of land use and land cover change (LULCC) are determined for each scenario by quantifying the trends in socio-economic, biophysical, and climatic drivers.

## Simulations: {#simulations}
During the simulation phase, the Ecosystem Services (ES) and species distribution for each scenario are determined, taking into account the future Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) as one of the input factors.

## Economic Analysis: {#economic-analysis}
The economic characteristics of each scenario are quantified based on the land use and land cover (LULC) and ecosystem services (ES).

## Communication: {#communication}
As part of the project methodology, interim results will be presented to refine scenarios. The final results and the datasets will be made publicly available, contributing to the knowledge base for future projects.

The workflow used in NASCENT-Peru is based on the methodology used in
<a href="" target="_blank">ValPar.CH</a><br>

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: Instrucciones de codificación del contenido del escenario
comments: false
title-block-banner: "#f6f8fa"

En mayo y junio de 2024 realizamos una serie de [5 talleres en Perú](Scenario_workshops_2024_blog.qmd). En estos talleres debatimos el estado actual y el desarrollo futuro de los paisajes con participantes de diversos ámbitos. En la primera parte de cada taller, se pidió a los participantes que caracterizaran el paisaje actual de su región desde su perspectiva. A continuación, los participantes debatieron y presentaron las características de lo que sería, en su opinión, un paisaje futuro deseable para su región en el año 2060. Por último, los participantes identificaron los motores (es decir, las fuerzas y procesos de cambio) que facilitarían o dificultarían la transición del paisaje actual al paisaje futuro deseado.

Tras los talleres, hemos recopilado todas las contribuciones relativas a las características del paisaje futuro en forma de afirmaciones separadas y nuestro siguiente paso es organizarlas en grupos. Estos grupos constituirán la base de las descripciones de los escenarios futuros que desarrollaremos.

Para agrupar las declaraciones, estamos utilizando el [Nature Futures Framework (NFF)]( desarrollado por la [Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)]( El Nature Futures Framework recoge diversos valores de las relaciones entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza según tres perspectivas diferentes, que se representan como ejes distintos en una disposición triangular: Valores intrínsecos («la naturaleza por la naturaleza»), valores instrumentales («la naturaleza para la sociedad») y valores relacionales («la naturaleza como cultura/uno con la naturaleza»).

Marco de Futuros de la Naturaleza\](img/NFF_ES.png)

Es importante destacar que las afirmaciones que describen las características de los paisajes futuros deseados no tienen por qué ajustarse a una única perspectiva de valor (eje del NFF), y que en realidad pueden representar múltiples valores. Por ejemplo, la afirmación «un cambio hacia el turismo sostenible» puede percibirse como una muestra de respeto y, por tanto, de valoración intrínseca del paisaje natural, pero también como una valoración de los beneficios que el paisaje tiene para la sociedad, en este caso el potencial del turismo como actividad económica. Por supuesto, la percepción de estos valores es subjetiva y por eso nos gustaría tener diferentes perspectivas de varias personas en cuanto a la colocación de las declaraciones dentro del FNF.

Para facilitarlo, hemos creado una encuesta en forma de aplicación interactiva. La aplicación le presentará 82 enunciados distintos relativos a las características de un paisaje futuro deseable en Perú en 2060 y usted podrá colocar un punto para cada enunciado dentro del espacio triangular del FNF representando su opinión sobre cómo los enunciados reflejan las tres perspectivas de valor. El siguiente vídeo muestra cómo funciona la aplicación:

## iframe of video

Algunos puntos importantes:

- Los enunciados están disponibles tanto en español como en inglés y algunos van acompañados de explicaciones cuando se utilizan términos técnicos.

- Algunas afirmaciones pueden sonar muy similares a otras, pero se han incluido deliberadamente porque captan una idea/concepto ligeramente diferente.

- Una vez colocados los enunciados dentro del FNF, puede pasar el ratón por encima del punto para ver el enunciado, lo que puede resultar útil para colocar enunciados relacionados.

- Este ejercicio le llevará aproximadamente X minutos.

- Una vez colocadas todas las afirmaciones en el NFF, hay un botón para enviar las respuestas, que se añadirán directamente a la hoja confidencial de Google.

Valoramos mucho el tiempo y las contribuciones de todos los participantes y, por ello, incluiremos sus nombres en una lista de colaboradores del proyecto tanto en el sitio web del proyecto como en todos los informes elaborados. Si no desea que su nombre se incluya en esta lista, tiene la opción de especificarlo en la aplicación.

[[**Haga clic aquí para iniciar la encuesta**]{.underline}](
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions NFF_coding_instructions.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: Scenario content coding instructions
comments: false
title-block-banner: "#f6f8fa"

In May and June 2024 we undertook a series of [5 workshops in Peru](Scenario_workshops_2024_blog.qmd). In these workshops we discussed the current state and future development of landscapes with participants from various backgrounds. In the first part of each workshop, participants were asked to characterize the current landscape in their region from their perspective. Following this, participants discussed and presented characteristics of what would be, in their opinion, a desirable future landscape for their region in the year 2060. Finally, participants identified the drivers (i.e. forces and processes of change) that would either facilitate or hinder the transition from the current landscape to their desired future landscape.

Following the workshops, we have collated all the distinct contributions regarding characteristics of the future landscape as seperate statements and our next step is to organise these into groups. These groups of statements will then form the basis of the future scenario narratives we will develop.

To group the statements, we are utilising the [Nature Futures Framework (NFF)]( developed by the [Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)]( The Nature Futures Framework captures diverse values of human-nature relationships according to three different perspectives, which are represented as different axes in a triangular arrangement: Intrinsic values (‘nature for nature’), instrumental values (‘nature for society’), and relational values (‘nature as culture/one with nature’).

![Nature Futures Framework](img/NFF.png)

Importantly, the statements describing characteristics of the desired future landscapes do not have to be aligned to a single value perspective (axis of the NFF), and they may actually represent multiple values. For example, the statement 'a shift towards sustainable tourism' can be perceived to show a respect for, and hence intrinsic valuing of, the natural landscape but also a valuing of the benefits that the landscape has for society, in this the potential for tourism as an economic activity. Of course, the perception of these values is subjective and this is why we would like to have different perspectives from a number of people regarding placing the statements within the NFF.

To facilitate this, we have created a survey, in the form of an interactive app. The app will present you with 82 distinct statements regarding characteristics of a desirable future landscape in Peru in 2060 and you will be able to place a point for each statement within the triangular space of the NFF representing your opinion on how the statements reflects the three value perspectives. The video below shows how the app works:

## iframe of video

Some important points:

- The statements are available in both Spanish and English and some have accompanying explanations where technical terms are used.

- Some statements may sound very similar to others, but they have deliberately been included as they capture a slightly different idea/concept.

- After statements have been placed inside the NFF you can hover over the point with your mouse to display the statement, this maybe useful when placing related statements.

- This exercise should take approximately X minutes to complete

- After all statements have been placed within the NFF there is a button to submit your answers which will be added directly to confidential google sheet.

We very much value the time and contributions of all participants and as such we would include your names in a list of contributors to the project on both the project website and in all reports produced. If you do not wish for your name to be included in this list there is an option to specify this within the app.

[[**Click here to start the survey**]{.underline}](
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions _freeze/NFF_coding/execute-results/html.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions app.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.


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