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Update micm.hpp

Update micm.hpp #996

Workflow file for this run

# Build and deploy documentation to GitHub Pages
name: GitHub Pages
on: [ push, pull_request ]
name: Build and deploy to gh-pages
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
gcc-version: [13]
CXX: g++-${{ matrix.gcc-version }}
CC: gcc-${{ matrix.gcc-version }}
FC: gfortran-${{ matrix.gcc-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
lfs: true
- name: Debugging information
run: |
echo "github.ref:" ${{github.ref}}
echo "github.event_name:" ${{github.event_name}}
echo "github.head_ref:" ${{github.head_ref}}
echo "github.base_ref:" ${{github.base_ref}}
set -x
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git branch
git branch -a
git remote -v
python -V
pip list --not-required
pip list
# Clone and set up the old gh-pages branch
- name: Clone old gh-pages
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
run: |
set -x
git fetch
( git branch gh-pages remotes/origin/gh-pages && git clone . --branch=gh-pages _gh-pages/ ) || mkdir _gh-pages
rm -rf _gh-pages/.git/
mkdir -p _gh-pages/branch/
# If a push and default branch, copy build to _gh-pages/ as the "main"
# deployment.
- name: Build and copy documentation (default branch)
if: |
contains(github.event_name, 'push') &&
contains(github.ref, env.DEFAULT_BRANCH)
run: |
set -x
mkdir -p _build/html/versions
# create two copies of the documentation
# 1. the frozen version, represented as vX.X in the version switcher
docker build -t musica -f docker/ .
id=$(docker create musica)
docker cp $id:/build/docs/sphinx tmpdocs
docker rm -v $id
version=$(sed -nr "s/^release = f'v(.+)\{suffix\}'.*$/\1/p" docs/source/
mv tmpdocs _build/html/versions/${version}
# 2. stable, represented as vX.X (stable) in the version switcher
# edit to produce a version string that looks like vX.X (stable)
docker build -t musica -f docker/ --build-arg SUFFIX=" (stable)" .
id=$(docker create musica)
docker cp $id:/build/docs/sphinx tmpdocs
docker rm -v $id
mv tmpdocs _build/html/versions/stable
# Delete everything under _gh-pages/ that is from the
# primary branch deployment. Excludes the other branches
# _gh-pages/branch-* paths, and not including
# _gh-pages itself.
find _gh-pages/ -mindepth 1 ! -path '_gh-pages/branch*' ! -path '_gh-pages/versions*' -delete
rsync -a _build/html/versions/stable/* _gh-pages/
mkdir -p _gh-pages/versions
rsync -a _build/html/versions/* _gh-pages/versions
# mv docs/switcher.json _gh-pages
# If a push and not on default branch, then copy the build to
# _gh-pages/branch/$brname (transforming '/' into '--')
- name: Build and copy documentation (branch)
if: |
contains(github.event_name, 'push') &&
!contains(github.ref, env.DEFAULT_BRANCH)
run: |
set -x
docker build -t musica -f docker/ .
id=$(docker create musica)
docker cp $id:/build/docs/sphinx tmpdocs
docker rm -v $id
brdir=${brname//\//--} # replace '/' with '--'
rm -rf _gh-pages/branch/${brdir}
rsync -a tmpdocs/ _gh-pages/branch/${brdir}
# Go through each branch in _gh-pages/branch/, if it's not a
# ref, then delete it.
- name: Delete old feature branches
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
run: |
set -x
for brdir in `ls _gh-pages/branch/` ; do
brname=${brdir//--/\/} # replace '--' with '/'
if ! git show-ref remotes/origin/$brname ; then
echo "Removing $brdir"
rm -r _gh-pages/branch/$brdir/
# Add the .nojekyll file
- name: nojekyll
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
run: |
touch _gh-pages/.nojekyll
# Deploy
- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
publish_branch: gh-pages
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: _gh-pages/
force_orphan: true