Protein is usually made up of domain(s). Conserved Domains can be described by local multiple sequence alignments spanning a variety of organisms to reveal sequence regions that contain the same, or similar, patterns of amino acids. Although it is easy to retrieve the taxonomical distribution of a protein, it is not available at the domain level.
This 2019 NCBI-Codeathon project will develop a pipeline to assign a lowest common taxid to a conserved protein domain (defined by a Position-Specific Score Matrix, PSSM). The taxid represents the taxon that contains this domain specifically with given threshold. This project will be incorporated into the future RPS-Blast (RPS-BLAST uses the query sequence to search a database of pre-calculated PSSMs, and report significant hits) to provide taxonomic information in CD Search (Conserved Domain Search) results.
Python 3
NCBI Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool (CDART)
taxidlineage.dmp extracted from available in NCBI Taxonomy ftp site (
A table generate by sql query against NCBI internal CDART database (example file)
./ <data/*.tsv-file-name> [-threshold <number-between-0-and-1> ]
-threshold: Threshold to report taxonomy node. Default value: 0.95
-show_names: Display taxonomic names instead of just taxids. Default value: false
-show_tree: Display taxonomy tree for model. Default value: false
-shake: Experimental: 'shakes' the tree to remove nodes that contribute less than 1% to the parent's weight. Default value: false
A taxonomy tree with the lowest common taxid with the threshold for the domain
PSSM-Id: 129695,200311,334026,334050,337780,335786,274086,308214,315456,338615,287328,313550,313551,274263
- Elaborate weight by considering taxonomic origin (e.g.: metagenomic, plasmids, synthetic/artificial) may count for less
- Use model-specific thresholds to get better matches
- Elaborate weight by providing higher weight to those sequences that have higher evalue/bitscore
- Instead of IPG, go to the individual sequences and extract the taxid
- From Ryan Connor: weights to consider the variation that sequences bring into the model
Marc Gwadz, IEB/NCBI/NIH
Christiam Camacho, IEB/NCBI/NIH
Jianli Dai, IEB/NCBI/NIH
Hanguan Liu, IEB/NCBI/NIH
Mingzhang Yang, IEB/NCBI/NIH