#Weather Viewer
A fun example Backbone application using Mapbox and Forecast.io
##Set Up
You'll need Node.js installed.
sudo apt install node-legacy
You'll also need a basic HTTP server.
sudo npm install http-server -g
All libraries are packed with Bower and npm
sudo npm install -g bower
With Bower and npm installed, you can run within the project:
npm install && bower install
###Api Keys
I've built this as through there was a real middle teir in place to emit data onto the page. Api Keys are expected to hydrate the app. In index.html
there is a script block that needs your help.
Grab a forecast.io key and place it on apikeys:forecast
Do the same for a Mapbox at apikeys:mapbox
Within the project root, run:
And go to in your browser
For Unit tests, go to