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[!cue] # Σ🧠Ξ

Welcome to the Nerd Brain

Welcome to our collaborative learning environment! We're a group of passionate learners and developers, or as we like to call ourselves, "nerds", working together to understand and advance in the world of software development and blockchain technology.

[!cue] The Sum is greater than the parts

[!notice] What is the NerdBrain? -> The nerdbrain is the aggregate of all of our research efforts. Following the concept of [[Proof of Thought]] we are creating a [[hyperstructure]] from our [[knowledge graph]].


In practice, this means that we're creating an open source repository in Github of linked markdown files where anyone can contribute their notes. These files can be generated by a number of editors, but currently we've chosen Obsidian as our framework to interact with these files.

[!notice] You can fork the repo and use it however you please! We are going to accept pull requests for any data that users may want to contribute with as long as it is content that can be hosted in such a public forum.

[!notice] Plugin Powered Secret Sauce

Obsidian has the most active plugin environment for any PKM software out there. Among the available plugins a number bring about ChatGPT functionalities to the vault. so far is the most interesting plugin which allows you to create an embedding file for any given vault and explore it using Obsidian native commands

A Letter from At0x

![[Letter from At0x]]

Nerd DAO Delegation proposal


[!notice] What is Nerd? The Nerdquarters is the core of the Nerd community. We have created an open source community where nerds come and share information to make sense of it together. It is also a place for newcomers to ask questions and avoid repeating the same mistakes we've already learned from.

As we have grown we have started to interact with alot of new tools for decentralized communities which have allowed us to coordinate to embark on several ventures. We dont need venture capital money because we do everything in house. We just want to have fun and experience the growth of the infinite machine.



Nerd DAO Metaverse Manifesto


[!notice] What decentralized networks enable for collaboration Incentive structures that foster collaboration are more efficient than traditional work arrangements

[!cue] Competitive edge

Public Knowledge

Private Insights

[!notice] Trustless coordination -> Retroactive fund release against structured knowledge -> Provenance of knowledge from data to insight -> Prestige of creating public knowledge repo

[!notice] ChatGPT Pitch

In the notes from [[Σ🧠Ξ]], several key points are mentioned regarding decentralized networks and collaboration. Let's expand on these points and relate them to the ideas presented in the "Letter from At0x."

  1. Incentive structures that foster collaboration: The [[Letter from At0x]] emphasizes the need to rethink the role of education in society to adapt to the rapid pace of technological progress. Traditional models of education, with fixed curricula and periodic updates, often struggle to keep up with the advancements in technology. By fostering collaboration and incentivizing knowledge sharing, decentralized networks can provide a more efficient and agile approach to education. The New Academy mentioned in the letter aims to create a collaborative learning environment where individuals can come together to create knowledge and engage in dialogue.
  2. Public Knowledge and Private Insights: The "Letter from At0x" highlights the abundance of information and easily accessible online resources in the digital age. This challenges the traditional model of teaching, where the teacher is seen as the sole source of knowledge. Decentralized networks can facilitate the creation of public knowledge repositories, where individuals can contribute their insights and expertise. This allows for a more democratized and inclusive approach to education, where knowledge is shared openly and freely. By making knowledge publicly available, it becomes demonstrable and can be used as a foundation for further exploration and innovation.
  3. Trustless coordination: The concept of trustless coordination mentioned in the notes from [[Σ🧠Ξ]] aligns with the idea of collaboration in the "Letter from At0x." In a decentralized network, trust is established through the use of technology and protocols rather than relying on centralized authorities. This can enable individuals to coordinate and collaborate without the need for intermediaries. The New Academy mentioned in the letter aims to create a teacherless experience, where individuals engage in dialogue and collective learning, relying on trustless coordination to facilitate their interactions.
  4. Optimal solution from a game theory perspective: By creating knowledge publicly and making it demonstrable, decentralized networks provide a transparent and verifiable foundation for collaboration. This transparency enhances the game theory aspect of collaboration, as participants can assess the value and credibility of the knowledge being shared. Additionally, the portability of embeddings allows for private querying of local AI models, enabling individuals to leverage the collective knowledge while maintaining privacy and autonomy. From a game theory perspective, this decentralized approach can be seen as the optimal solution, as it combines the benefits of public knowledge with the flexibility and control of private insights.

[!summary] Overall, the points from [[Σ🧠Ξ]] and the [[Letter from At0x]] converge on the idea that decentralized networks and collaboration can revolutionize education. By incentivizing collaboration, fostering the creation of public knowledge, enabling trustless coordination, and providing an optimal solution from a game theory perspective, decentralized networks can provide a more agile, inclusive, and learner-centered approach to education. The New Academy mentioned in the letter represents an attempt to embrace these principles and create a dynamic learning environment where individuals can collectively create knowledge and develop their insights.

Getting Started

![[Quickstart Guide]] explains how to get the vault, install it and get started using the NerdBrain

Recommended Plugins

![[Plugin List]]

NerdBrain x ETHOS


Scope of the NERD Delegation


id: "Home" aliases: [] tags: [] sticker: "emoji//1f3e0"


  • [[Research Communities/NERD/Data 1/Research/Questions]]
  • [[Research Communities/NERD/Data 1/Research/Research]]
  • [[Education]]
  • [[Knowledge]]

Smart Connections


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