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👽 wontfix
:alien: wontfix
This will not be worked on
↕️ data transfer
:arrow_up_down: data transfer
Work related to passing data to and fro between PHP and JS frontend
:art: UI/UX
Work needed for user interfaces
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
🏗️ data structures
:building_construction: data structures
Work related to the data structures that feed configuration, options, templates and their ilk
cannot reproduce
cannot reproduce
work related to the chinatown BRC work
🗜️ shortcodes
:clamp: shortcodes
Shortcode work for WP implementations
😕 help wanted
:confused: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
🚧 dev task/blocker
:construction: dev task/blocker
Tasks that are needed to do for basic dev work leading to more fundamentals
🐉 exceptions
:dragon: exceptions
Work related to \Ceres\Exception and their handling
🏭 view packages
:factory: view packages
Work related to the view packages
🎣 fetchers
:fishing_pole_and_fish: fetchers
Work related to a Fetcher
🛠️ maintenance
:hammer_and_wrench: maintenance
🍃 leaflet
:leaves: leaflet
📝 renderers
:memo: renderers
Work related to a Renderer
🔩 extractors
:nut_and_bolt: extractors
Work related to an Extractor
📃 documentation
:page_with_curl: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
❓ question
:question: question
Further information is requested
✂️ 📋 duplicate
:scissors: :clipboard: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
work for the text-media branch
🏆 enhancement
:trophy: enhancement
New feature or request
♿ ⛔ a11y
:wheelchair: :no_entry: a11y
Work to improve a11y
WordPress integrations
WordPress integrations
Ties into WP features