Smart contract faucet for Avocado Network.
Rinkeby Instance here.
Gist available here.
Medium article here.
The Faucet contract allows senders to send and receive ERC20Basic tokens.
The constructor
sets the initial token instance, faucet name, and turns the faucet on:
constructor(address _tokenInstance, string _faucetName)
tokenInstance = ERC20Basic(_tokenInstance);
faucetName = _faucetName;
faucetStatus = true;
emit FaucetOn(faucetStatus);
The Faucet can only be turned on and off by the owner
of the contract as set by Ownable.sol.
The Faucet has 3 methods for dripping 1000, 2000, or 5000 tokens to senders:
function drip1000Token()
function drip2000Token()
function drip5000Token()
The time lock period for each function is 1 hour, 2 hours, and 5 hours respectively.
All functions follow the same logic:
function drip1000Token()
if(checkStatus(msg.sender)) {
tokenInstance.transfer(msg.sender, oneKToken);
updateStatus(msg.sender, oneHours);
emit OneKTokenSent(msg.sender);
First the function requires the faucet is turned on. Then the status of the sender is checked for lock or unlocked depending on their previous state:
function checkStatus(address _address)
returns (bool)
//check if first time address is requesting
if(status[_address] == 0) {
return false;
//if not first time check the timeLock
else {
// solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members
if(block.timestamp >= status[_address]) {
return false;
else {
return true;
If the status is locked the drip function reverts:
if(checkStatus(msg.sender)) {
Otherwise the sender receives tokens:
tokenInstance.transfer(msg.sender, oneKToken);
updateStatus(msg.sender, oneHours);
emit OneKTokenSent(msg.sender);
The status of the sender is then updated with the corresponding locked time period using block.timestamp
function updateStatus(address _address, uint256 _timelock)
{ // solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members
status[_address] = block.timestamp + _timelock;
Install as ethpm:
$ truffle install avo-token-faucet@2.0.0
Clone repo:
git clone
Create a new .env
file in root directory and add your private key:
If you don't have a private key, you can use one provided by Ganache (for development only!):
npm install
To enter Truffle:
truffle develop
To compile:
truffle(develop)> compile
To migrate:
truffle(develop)> migrate
To test:
truffle(develop)> test