JellyPy documentation is available at
: Client library for the Clinical Interpretation Portaljellypy-tierup
: Reanalyse Tier 3 variants
Please raise an issue to request new functions or features:
To develop a new function or feature, please take a look at the issues raised. If there's something that you would like to code up, then (you are awesome and) start a discussion in the #jellypy channel at
- 0.1.0 - Make JellyPy a namespace package
- 0.2.0 - Update pyCIPAPI to work with GeL client token/secret GMS authentication
- 0.2.1 - Support legacy authentication by allowing AD to be toggled on/off in config file
- 0.2.2 - Add sub-heading to README changelog
- 0.2.3 - Update live 100K url. Display response on API errors. Add tests for auth api calls.
- 0.2.4 - Fix pandas install error by using version 1.2.4
- 0.2.0 - TierUp development release with pyCIPAPI 0.2.3
- 0.3.0 - Use ensembl identifiers to query panel app. Implement mode of inheritance check.
- 0.3.1 - Add version string to cli arguments. Fix GeLPanel.query docstring.
- 0.3.2 - Use jellypy-pyCIPAPI 0.2.4