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UMI aware mark (optical) duplicates in NGS sequencing BAM


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rumidup UMI aware mark (optical) duplicates in NGS BAM


From source

Create a working rust environment using e.g. rustup. Clone the repo Run cargo build --release

The resulting (statically linked) binary can be found in ./target/release/rumidup

Using bioconda

It is our intention to publish to bioconda soon.


Coordinate sorted BAM (file or stdin). When paired end reads are used the BAM file should have the MC and ms tags added. This can usually be done by piping the usually name-collated bam/sam output from the aligner through samtools fixmate.

The UMI should be present in the BAM RX tag. Because the standard Illumina BCLconvert program attaches the UMI sequence to the read name it is also possible to extract the UMI from the read name and (optionally) add a RX AUX tags.


All records are written in the same order to a file or stdout with the BAM flag adjusted to reflect duplication status. Additional AUX tags can be added depending on configuration.


    -b, --bam <FILE>              The input bam file. rumidup reads from stdin when omitted
    -o, --output <FILE>           The output bam file. rumidup writes to stdout when omitted
    -m, --metrics <FILE>          The duplication metrics file, if missing metrics will be written
                                  to stderr
    -p, --pixel-distance <INT>    Optical duplicate pixel distance. Maximum distance between
                                  clusters to consider them optical duplicates use 100 for
                                  HiSeq/NextSeq, 2500 for NovaSeq. Use 0 to disable optical
                                  duplicate counting. Only affects metrics [default: 100]
    -d, --umi-distance <INT>      UMI distance. The maximum hamming distance between the UMI
                                  sequences used to consider read(pairs) to be duplicates [default:
    -x, --no-original-tag         When a UMI is corrected the original tag is written to the OX
                                  field. use --no-original-tag to suppress this
    -k, --keep-readname           Don't remove UMI from read name
    -f, --force                   Ignore previous duplicate marking applied to BAM file. This
                                  information is extracted from the header. Use --force to redo
                                  duplicate marking
        --no-pg                   Do not add PG tag to header
        --force-compression       Force compression when writing to stdout. Normally when writing to
                                  a pipe the BAM stream is written without compression. Toggle this
                                  flag when redirecting to a file and force compression of the
    -h, --help                    Print help information
    -V, --version                 Print version information


Because marking duplicates only adds information it's convenient to pipe rumidup after the sorting step. Default output for rumidup is currently BAM, but can of course be piped into samtools view for conversion to CRAM.

bwa mem ref r1.fastq.gz r2.fastq.gz | \
   samtools fixmate -m - - | \
   samtools sort -@4 -m4g - | \
   rumidup --pixel-distance 2500 --metrics metrics.txt -o mdup.bam


rumidup collects all reads that map to the same genomic location. It then determines the reads fragment coordinates with the help of the mapped position and the CIGAR line information:

  • Unpaired reads take the 5' sequencing start and the mapped fragment end base
  • Paired-end reads take the 5' sequencing start of both reads

The reads are then grouped on these calculated coordinate pairs and for each group continues to a markduplicate phase. In this phase the UMI sequences are collected. Starting with the most common UMI sequence all other UMIs that are within umi-distance hamming distance are considered identical. The read with the highest score (sum of base qualities, including mate score if available) will be the candidate. All others will be marked as duplicates. In the default case when a UMI is within umi-distance from the candidate the RX tag will be fixed and an OX tag will be added to the record that contains the original UMI sequence.


Because the program works by parsing CIGAR lines and only considers the 5' sequencing start coordinates as the fragment coordinates in paired end mode rumidup is unaffected by quality trimming and soft-clipping. For unpaired reads the read end is also used for grouping. Soft clipping would likely be identical across duplicates, but quality trimming would not. This could result in shifting of coordinates and failing to group possible PCR duplicates so quality trimming is not recommended.


Currently the only tool capable of doing UMI aware markduplicates is in the Picard suite. This tools has been listed as experimental for a long time and suffers from multiple issues:

  • A bug that leads to inconsistent flagging of duplicates of both end of a paired-end sequence 1449.
  • Poor performance
  • Since version 1.16 samtools markdup also supports UMI tags, but only allows exact matches instead of a configurable hamming distance

Why rumidup? Naming is hard. If you squint you can see letters from. Rust/UMI/duplicate/Illumina.


UMI aware mark (optical) duplicates in NGS sequencing BAM





