At some point, I realized that most of the posts from the Telegram channels I subscribed to were not informative and lacked value for me. Therefore, I decided to create a bot that sorts out ads and categorizes all the news and posts from the channels I follow.
The configuration file can be found in the config/example_config.yaml
file. Here's an example of what it should look like:
api_id: 1821196
api_hash: "your_api_hash_here" #
phone_number: "+1234567890"
session_name: "my_user_bot"
model_path: "model"
db_path: "messages.db"
# Optional: Uncomment to exclude categories or channels
# exclude_categories:
# - 1
# - 2
# exclude_channels:
# - 1
# - 2
- Obtain your API ID and API Hash by logging into Telegram's Developer Portal.
- Replace
with your actual API hash. - Enter your phone number with the appropriate international dialing code (e.g.,
). - The
should point to the folder where the model is located (downloadable from this link). - The
is the database where the bot stores the messages.
The example_config.yaml
is just a template. Once you've filled it with your details, you can rename it to config.yaml
You can run the bot using Docker. Simply execute:
docker-compose up --build -d
Alternatively, you can set up and run it manually using Python and Poetry:
Install Poetry if you haven't already: Poetry installation guide.
Clone the repository and navigate to the project folder.
Install the dependencies by running:
poetry install
To run the bot, use:
poetry run python bot/
Don't forget to download the model from this link.
- Add a "merge" news function (combine news from different sources into the most detailed version).
- Add deletion of topics if changes have been made to the config.
- Implement an easier bot session configuration setup.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See for the full text.