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The goal of this project is to translate sentences from Hindi to Telugu using a Transformer-based model. The model is built from scratch using PyTorch and includes various text preprocessing and feature extraction techniques to enhance translation quality.

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Project Overview

The goal of this project is to translate sentences from Hindi to Telugu using a Transformer-based model. The model is built from scratch using PyTorch and includes various text preprocessing and feature extraction techniques to enhance translation quality.

Folder Descriptions

  • data_model_input/: Contains the dataset file in a tab-separated format with Hindi and Telugu sentence pairs.

  • models/: Contains the Transformer model definition and trained model weights.

  • vocab/: Stores the vocabulary files generated during preprocessing for Hindi (source) and Telugu (target).

  • Provides helper functions like data loading, tokenization, and encoding.

  • Main script to perform data preprocessing, training, and saving the model.

  • Script to translate input sentences from Hindi to Telugu using the trained model.

  • requirements.txt: Lists all the Python packages required to run the project.

  • Documentation on how to use the project, including installation and usage instructions.

  • ** additional nlp techniques folders## Step 2: Training the Model

Step - 1: To train the Transformer model, run:


The script will initialize the model, train it on the dataset, and save the weights to models/model_weights.pth.

Step - 2: Translating New Sentences

To translate new sentences from Hindi to Telugu, use:

python --input "आपका स्वागत है"

This will generate the Telugu translation for the given Hindi sentence.

Machine translation model is in folder machine-translation

  • pre process flow:
data -> data-encoded -> data-bg-cleaned -> data-punctuation-standardized ->
data-number-standardized -> data-lang-cleaned -> data-Html-cleaned ->
data-unprintable-cleaned -> data-invalid-lang-range-cleaned -> data-deaccented -> data-aligned ->
data-tokenized -> data-similarity-score

Data Set

We will be building a hybrid data set (movie subtitle from + OPUS)

Data Collecion

  • Selection of movies
  • Downloading the subtitles
  • Making different files (hindi.txt telugu.txt)

Process (Data Alignment / Data Pre-processing)


  1. Individual Pre-Processing (for each language file separately)
  2. Initial Data Alignment
  3. Post-Alignment Processing and Quality Control
  4. Corpus Creation and Final Pre-Processing

Individual Pre-Processing

  • Subtitle format detection and conversion(Usage of only one source (.srt file)) ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Character encoding conversion (Convert all files to UTF-8 for consistency Using chardet) ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Language checking (languageDetection Using langDetect) ( Sushant )
  • Removing background noise. ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Removing html tags (eg., <i></i>`& [U+202B] and [U+202C]) ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Tokenization and sentence splitting ( Sushant )
  • Removing unprintable characters ( Srikar )
  • Removing characters outside the language pair ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Normalizing whitespace (Removal of extra space) ( Srikar )
  • Deaccenting accented characters (Converting the accented to their base form) ( Parth )
  • Standardizing punctuation ( Parth )
  • Standardizing numbers ( Parth )

Initial Data Alignment

  • Length-Based Sentence Alignment. ( Parth )
  • Alignment with Time Overlaps. ( Parth )
  • Combining Length and Time-Based Approaches. ( Parth ) [Actually Above Three steps is just one step we are using hybrid of two algorithm (Using some assumption and Tradeoffs)]
  • Handling Misalignments. ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Similarity Scoring. ( Sushant )

Post-Alignment Processing and Quality Control

  • File Format ( AJ Harsh Vardhan )
  • Sentence Pair Shuffling ( Sushant )
  • Versioning (AJ Harsh Vardhan)

How to find Current Output (last done/completed is the current output) [Check for continuation]

  • Encoding
  • Bg-Removal
  • Punctuation Standardize
  • Number Standardize

Hindi-to-Telugu Translation Model

This project implements a Hindi-to-Telugu translation model using a Transformer architecture developed from scratch. It involves various NLP preprocessing tasks like POS tagging, TF-IDF vectorization, stop-word removal, transliteration, and more.

Individual Contribution

  • S20220010011 (Alagadapa Jaya Harsh Vardhan):

    Parts of speech tagging (POS tagging), N-grams ( N = 2), Transliterator, Integrated Transformer model by adjusting hyperparameters. Translate Script to utilize model.

  • S20220010166 (Parth Vijay): One hot encoding, Label encoding, FastText, Bag of words, functions

  • S20220010219 (Sushant Kuril): NEL, Gensim word vector, Dependency parse, Vocab script, Model optimization

  • S20220010207 (Srikar Chaturvedula): Term frequency-Inverse document frequency (tf-idf), Stop-Words removal, Named entity recognization (NER), Model optimization


The goal of this project is to translate sentences from Hindi to Telugu using a Transformer-based model. The model is built from scratch using PyTorch and includes various text preprocessing and feature extraction techniques to enhance translation quality.






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