Version 1.0.8
- Add IGDB for PC and Console games lookup
- Use dirape/token to generate tokens and passwords for users(f99c3ae)
- Use url helper in place of $this->serverurl variable (bd844ba)
- Update Movie class, fetch movie info from IMDb first before trying other sources (47c61ba)
- Update API v2 movie lookup description by adding traktid lookup example (f461ecc)
- Update releases with proper movieinfo_id when updating movies on movies list (c3b6980)
- Update Binaries class, use transactions properly (449bbe2)
- Update install script to set admin as verified (656f0d6)
- Use $this->userdata->id variable in place of Auth::(id) in controllers (23ab8f0)
- Update tmux install script to use tmux 2.8-rc to compile tmux (2500ecb)