Script for migrating moodle to point to a new Kaltura instance.
Create a config file for the script, a template is availible
it should contain something like
//Kaltura settings
$KALTURA_API_PATH = realpath('external/kaltura-api/php5/');
$KALTURA_ADMIN_SECRET = 'abc123abc123abc123abc123abc';
$KALTURA_USER_ID = 'no-body@domain.tld';
//Moodle settings
$MOODLE_DB_HOST = "moodle_db_host";
$MOODLE_DB_USER = "moodle_user";
$MOODLE_DB_PASSWORD = "password";
$MOODLE_DB_DATABASE = "moodle_db";
Apart from config.php, the script needs a list of entry ID's in the form of an
array called $FILTERED_IDS
, an example is included in
and looks like this:
$FILTERED_IDS = array(
Everything within the external/kaltura-api folder is licensed according to the contents of the individual files in that folder and its subfolders.
Everything else is licensed according to the NORDUnet License (3-clause BSD). See for more details.
Unless otherwise noted in the individual files the copyright holder is: NORDUnet (2017)