This is a Pong clone based on the Tutorial "Game From Scratch C++ and SFML Edition!" ( ) I started this project to freshen up and expand my knowledge on C++ and SFML. Also I updated the code for SFML 2.5.1 and VS 2019. The Textures are created and edited with Inkscape.
This is the first release of the final game.
The code from the tutoral got updated quite a bit.
The main changes are:
- A 2 Player mode was added.
- The 1 Player mode v. the NPC war improved.
- A Winscreem was added.
- A Pause menu was added.
- multiple bugs were resolved.
- the code was updated for SFML 2.5.1 and VS 2019.
- a score counter was added.
Also the biggest bug of the original tutorial concerning the updating of the elements was resolved, by deviding the main loop into a game loop , an update loop and a render loop. Aditionally a pause game option was added including a pause menu, having a simple overview of the game controlls.
while (!IsExiting()) {
if (!Pause()) {
The Game is tested for windows and Linux.
Download the .zip file of the release, Unpack to a dseired folder and RUN the .exe file. Everything should work out of the box.
Download the .zip file of the release, Unpack to a dseired folder and RUN the .exe file. In order to run the .exe file on Linux only Wine is needed. For further information on WINE see
Everything else should work out of the box.