Lucas Henneman 2023-08-11
This repository houses code for the manuscript entitled “Mortality risk from United States coal electricity generation”.
This directory stores all code used as part of the project.00_organize_data.R
Code in this file reads in the outcome and exposure data into consistent formats.01_coal_pm_mortality_models.R
Code in this file runs the stratified poisson models.02_CI_bootstrap.R
Code in this file calculates the bootstrapped confidence intervals on the estimated hazard ratios03_deaths_contributed.R
Code in this file combines coal power plant information with poisson model output to calculate deaths associated with each coal power plant’s SO2 emissions.04_plots.R
Code in this file creates many of the charts in figures in the manuscript and supplementary text.05_compare_geos_chem.R
Code in this file compares the power plant deaths calculated in this study with comparable deaths calculated using GEOS-Chem adjoint sensitivities06_change_over_change.R
Code in this file conducts the first-differences analysis described in the supplementary text07_plot_hyads_biggest_impactors.R
Code in this file creates figures presented in the supplementary text showing facilities that contribute to coal PM2.5 in metropolitan statistical areas
Sensitive health data is not included in this repository, but all other datasets are saved here.cache_data
This sub-directory houses various ZIP code level data for input into the models. Sensitive data and large files have not been pushed to Github.adjoint_results
This sub-directory houses deaths (total population) attributable to each coal unit from the GEOS-Chem adjoint sensitivities modeling.coalpm25_to_obs_adjustment.csv
This file contains regional and year-specific adjustment factors for HyADS-derived coal PM2.5 to regional observed sulfate concentrations
This directory contains figures from the manuscriptresults
This directory contains two files related to the Risk Ratio estimations in the manuscriptpoisson_model_coefs.csv
Contains the central estimates of the relevant coefficients from the Poisson models used to estimate the RRloglinear_coefs_boots.RData
Contains the bootstrapped estimates of the relevant coefficients from the Poisson models used to estimate the RR confidence intervals