A command-line utility that prints the path of the derived data directory for the current Xcode project.
- Xcode
The xcderiveddata
executable can be run from the command line
from any directory with an Xcode project:
$ find . -name "*.xcodeproj" -maxdepth 1
$ xcderiveddata
Any additional arguments are passed to xcodebuild
which can be used to set the target, scheme, and any other other options
for the specified project or workspace:
$ find . -name "*.xc*" -maxdepth 1
$ xcderiveddata -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace \
-scheme MyFramework
You can pipe the result of xcderiveddata
into other commands
to automate your build process.
For example,
here's how to locate any xcresult
bundles generated by your test target:
$ xcderiveddata | xargs -I{} find {} -name '*.xcresult'
Run the following command to install using homebrew:
$ brew install nshipster/formulae/xcderiveddata
Run the following commands to build and install manually:
$ git clone https://github.com/NSHipster/xcderiveddata.git
$ cd xcderiveddata
$ make install
Mattt (@mattt)