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Client Testing

patriciamazere edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 1 revision

In order to mock the feature toggle values in your tests, Moggles.ConfigureForTestingMode() will have to be called before each test and a key will need to be added in the tests configuration file (TestingMode) together with the feature toggle value.

  • NET. Framework


    In configuration file:

      <add key="Moggles.TestingMode" value="true" />
      <add key="Moggles.TestFeatureToggle" value="true" />

    In this case TestFeatureToggle will have the same value in all tests.


    ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Moggles.TestingMode"] = "true";
    ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Moggles.TestFeatureToggle"] = "true";

    This option can be used to set TestFeatureToggle with different values in each test.

  • NET. Core

     var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

    In configuration file:

    "Moggles": {
      "TestingMode": "true",
      "TestFeatureToggle":  "true" 

    In this case TestFeatureToggle will have the same value in all tests.


    configuration["Moggles:TestingMode"] = "true";
    configuration["Moggles:TestFeatureToggle"] = "true";

    This option can be used to set TestFeatureToggle with different values in each test.