Welcome to Mini Reloader, a Chrome extension designed to automate the reloading of your current tab at specified intervals. Whether you're a web developer testing live changes or a user who needs periodic refreshes for certain web applications, Mini Reloader simplifies the process with a user-friendly interface.
Automatic Tab Reloading: Set up automatic reloading of your active tab at intervals of your choice.
Customizable Countdown: Input your desired time in hours, minutes, and seconds, or use preset intervals for quick setup.
Preset Buttons: Select from predefined time intervals such as 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes.
Real-Time Countdown Display: View the remaining time directly in the extension popup.
Stylish and Functional Interface: A clean, modern interface with a permanently dark theme for enhanced readability and focus.
To install and use Mini Reloader, follow these simple steps:
Download or Clone the Repository
You can either download the ZIP file of this repository from GitHub or clone it using Git:
git clone https://github.com/NSTechBytes/Mini-Reloader.git
Load the Extension into Chrome
- Open Google Chrome and navigate to
. - Enable "Developer mode" by toggling the switch in the top right corner.
- Click on "Load unpacked" and select the directory where you downloaded or cloned the repository.
- The Mini Reloader extension should now appear in your list of extensions.
- Open Google Chrome and navigate to
After installation, you can start using the Mini Reloader extension by clicking on its icon in the Chrome toolbar. The extension popup will display the interface where you can set up and manage your tab reloading preferences.
Open the Extension Popup
Click on the Mini Reloader icon in the Chrome toolbar to open the extension popup.
Enter Time
Input your desired countdown time in hours, minutes, and seconds fields. You can also use the preset buttons for quick setup.
Start the Countdown
Click the "Start" button to begin the countdown. The extension will automatically reload the current tab at the specified interval.
Stop the Countdown
Click the "Stop" button to halt the countdown and stop automatic reloading. The countdown will reset and the button will become disabled until you start it again.
View Remaining Time
The remaining time will be displayed in the popup, updating every second.
- Click on one of the preset buttons to quickly select a common time interval (e.g., 30 seconds, 1 minute).
- The countdown will start with the selected preset interval immediately.
We welcome contributions to the Mini Reloader project! To contribute, please follow these steps:
Fork the Repository
Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.
Clone Your Fork
Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/NSTechBytes/Mini-Reloader.git
Create a New Branch
Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b your-branch-name
Make Your Changes
Make your changes or improvements to the code.
Commit Your Changes
Commit your changes with a descriptive message:
git add . git commit -m "Description of your changes"
Push Your Changes
Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin your-branch-name
Create a Pull Request
Navigate to the original repository on GitHub and open a pull request from your forked repository.
This project is licensed under the Apache License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Font Awesome: For providing the icons used in the extension.
- Google Chrome: For offering a robust extension framework that makes it possible to create powerful browser tools.
For any questions or feedback regarding the Mini Reloader extension, please open an issue in the repository or contact the project maintainer at nstechbytes@gmail.com.