** -- Read Me -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/README **
Welcome, this read me file is for the next step after basic use of data tools in Visual Studio 2022. This is a quick video series where you can learn how to connect, modify and create data in SQL Server in VS.
Assumption are that you have installed:
SQL Server Visual Studio 2022
This is a beginer video where we walk through some code and get some data to display.
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/ado-net/introduction-microsoft-data-sqlclient-namespace?view=sql-server-ver16
Expand your skills:
- Add try /catch to the sql insert statement.
- Create a new class that gets and displays the audit data. Try to add it via a method first, then create a new class and call it to do the select.