This repository contains visualization plugins for the Lego color sensor and ultrasonic sensor for rviz.
The repository is expected to be placed inside the source folder of a working catkin environnement.
mkdir nxt_viz
cd nxt_viz
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
cd ..
catkin init
catkin build
You now have a working package with the nxt_viz package in it.
The viz package needs the core NXT ROS package to be properly loaded in order to work, more information on this here.
As for any catkin package, you first need to add its folders to your environnement (make sure to select the correct file for your system).
cd nxt_viz
source devel/setup.(bash|sh|zsh)
Next time you start rviz, you will find the new visualizers inside the list.
Original maintainer of the project is David Butterworth.