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  • Truffle 5.0.7
  • Ganache-cli 6.3.0 (ganache-core: 2.4.0)

Set Up

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm run chain
  • $ npm run test

ERC1400 Standard

  • This Security Token follows the ERC1400 standard: ethereum/EIPs#1411

  • All ERC1400's methods should be implemented with the exception of those which are meant to be called directly by token holders. The Company is the custodian of investor's private key, subsequently they are not able to call any method where msg.sender should correspond to token holder's public address.

  • ERC20 methods transfer, transferFrom, approve and allowance have not been implemented either.



  • The Company.
  • Deploys all the contracts and becomes their owner.
  • Issuances and Redemptions.
  • Rights for removing and attaching documents.
  • Authorise/Revoke Controllers and Operators.
  • Whitelist/KYC and Blacklist/UnKYC Investors.
  • Sets Rules.sol contract address to be used by the token.
  • Can eventually renounce issuance, making impossible to issue tokens again.
  • Sets NAV and Lot Size parameters.
  • Sets Default Partitions.


  • The Company and eventually a third party exchange platform.
  • Transfers.
  • Have to be authorised for EACH Investor by Issuer.
  • Once they are authorised, they are able to transfer ANY token partition on investor's behalf.


  • Fund administrator and its managers.
  • There should be at least two of them.
  • They are able to force Transfers and Redemptions even when lockup periods have not expired yet or lot size rule is not met.
  • Every action must include a certificate making use of bytes controllerData function param. The certificate is signed off-chain by another controller.
  • Rights for removing and attaching documents.

Investor / Token holder

  • They do not keep their own private keys.
  • All their actions (ask for issuance, transfers, redemptions) are recorded off-chain and executed on-chain by Operator or Issuer every 24h.




  • Proxy where all methods calls are forwarded via delegatecall() to the different ERC Security Token Standard contracts.
  • Inherits from ERC1400.sol contract.
  • During deployment has to enforce that at least two controllers are set.


  • Contains all Security Token state variables.
  • Inherits from Controllable.sol contract.


  • Controllers management.
  • A Controller can not be revoked if the total number of controllers goes under 2.
  • Makes use of CertificateController.sol.
  • Inherits from Ownable.sol contract.


  • Sets token owner (Issuer) in its constructor().
  • Issuer management.

ERC Security Token Standards

  • ERC20.sol, ERC1644.sol, ERC1643.sol, ERC1594.sol and ERC1410.sol.
  • Implement different standard methods from ERC1400 standard.
  • Are called by SecurityToken.sol via delegatecall().
  • Inherit from ERC1400.sol, so that they are able to store/read from token's storage and also have access to Ownable.sol and Controllable.sol methods.
  • Sometimes they have to communicate with each other via delegatecall().
  • All Transfer or Redeem methods where partition is not specified, will iterate over _tokenDefaultPartitions state variable.
  • Issue methods where partition is not specified, will take _tokenDefaultPartitions[0] as partition to issue.


  • Independent contract with its own storage.
  • Owned/Related to a single token: setToken(address tokenContract).
  • It stores 3 main elements:
    1. Existing token's partitions
    2. Valid variables for ALL existing partitions.
    3. Variables values for EACH partition.
  • Makes use of unstructured storage, where partition variables values are stored as follows:
    bytes32 position = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(partition, key));
    assembly { sstore(position, value) }
  • Partitions can be added and removed.
  • Variables are a struct formed by its key and its kind ('type' word is reserved in Solidity);
    { key: "lockupExpirationRedemptionKey" (bytes32), kind: "uint256" (string) }
  • Variables can be added, but not removed.
  • Values can be set buy not removed (they have to be set to 0).
  • When totalSupplyByPartition(partition) == 0, partition has to be removed and all its values set to 0.
  • Only related token is allowed to perform this action: removePartition(bytes32 partition) onlyToken.


  • Contract without storage called by ERC standard contracts via call().

  • Logic-only contract where different rules are applied to make sure Issuances, Transfers, and Redemptions are possible.

  • Communicates via call() with SecurityToken.sol and Partition.sol to get required state variables values needed to apply the rules.

  • Returns ERC1066 standard reason codes + own codes.

    Code Reason
    0x50 transfer failure
    0x51 transfer success
    0x52 insufficient balance
    0x53 insufficient allowance
    0x54 transfers halted (contract paused)
    0x55 funds locked (lockup period)
    0x56 invalid sender
    0x57 invalid receiver
    0x58 invalid value
    0x59 partition does not exist
    0x60 invalid transfer lot size
    0x61 invalid issuance (amount)
    0x62 invalid issuance (granularity)
    0x63 token not issuable


  • Logic-only contract called by ERC1644.sol via delegatecall().

  • Checks if a Certificate includes correct parameters and if they have been signed by ANOTHER authorised Controller.

  • This Certificate must be included as bytes controllerData param every time controllerTransferByPartition(), controllerTransfer(), controllerRedeemByPartition() or controllerRedeem() methods are called.

  • Certificate is formed by: Certificate

  • Current nonce value is stored in SecurityToken.sol making use of unstructured storage.

    bytes32 constant internal NONCES_MAPPING_POSITION_TOKEN = keccak256("certificate.token.mapping.nonce");
    bytes32 position = keccak256(abi.encode(NONCES_MAPPING_POSITION_TOKEN));
          assembly {
              nonce := sload(position)
  • Certificate generation (off-chain)

    1. Parameters are ABI encoded forming the certificate:
      const certificate = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(
          [params.token, params.from,],
          [params.value, params.nonce]
    2. Get certificate hash:
      const certificateHash = web3.utils.keccak256(certificate);
    3. Sign certificate hash (ECDSA):
      const signedCertificate = await web3.eth.sign(
    4. Get signature parameters:
      const signature = getSignatureParameters(signedCertificate);
    5. ABI encode signature, certificate, and certificate hash:
      const controllerData = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(
          {"Signature": {
            "r": 'bytes32',
            "s": 'bytes32',
            "v": 'uint8'
  • Certificate validation (on-chain)

    1. ABI decode bytes controllerData to get certificate, certificate hash and signature:

      (bytes memory certificate, bytes32 certificateHash, Signature memory signature) = abi.decode(
          (bytes, bytes32, Signature)
    2. ABI decode certificate to get all parameters:

      //tokenCert = addressCert[0]
      //fromCert  = addressCert[1]
      //toCert    = addressCert[2]
      //valueCert = uintCert[0]
      //nonceCert = uintCert[1]
          bytes32 partitionCert,
          address[] memory addressCert,
          uint256[] memory uintCert
      ) = abi.decode(certificate,(bytes32, address[], uint256[]));
    3. Validate decoded values comparing them with method parameters.

    4. Read from storage if nonce is valid:

      function _nonce() internal view returns(uint256 nonce) {
        bytes32 position = keccak256(abi.encode(NONCES_MAPPING_POSITION_TOKEN));
        assembly {
            nonce := sload(position)
    5. Validate signature (ECDSA recover) and increase the nonce:

      bytes constant internal PREFIX = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32";
      for(uint256 i=0; i < controllers.length; i++) {
          if(ecrecover(prefixedHash, signature.v, signature.r, signature.s) == controllers[i] && address(msg.sender) != controllers[i]) {
              return bytes32(0);


  • Same concept than CertificateToken.sol.
  • Every time the Issuer wants to authorise or revoke a Controller, the action has to be signed by a Controller.


Security Token based on ERC1400 standard






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