- The library staff can store a new book to the book table.
- The library staff can retrieve and display a book information.
- The library staff can update a book information.
- The library staff can delete a book.
- The library students/academic staff can borrow a book.
- The library students/academic staff can return a book.
- The user is able to login, logout, and change password.
- The user is able to search for a book.
Step 1: Download the source code and extract the file.
Step 2: Copy and paste the project folder in xampp/htdocs/.
Step 3: Open the phpMyAdmin and create database name project_library_db.
Step 4: Open Project_library/database and import “project_library_db”.
Step 5: Open the browser and go to URL http://localhost/Project_library/.
Sample members for testing:
Username: NajimAlfetaini Password: najim0000
Username: WaleedSaleh Password: waleed0000 -
Sample librarian for testing:
Username: librarian Password: library0000