TStudy is a place where aspiring developers can record what they are working on and share it with the world, Allowing you to find others who are studying what you are studying
Backend api : Node app
Frontend : React
Deployment : heroku
run dev environment
npm run dev
seed the dev database
npm run seed
run production environment
npm start
linting and security (eslint, nps)
npm run lint
npm run security-check
testing (mocha)
npm run test
npm run test-watch (automated)
run dev environment
npm start
create a new build version
npm run build
have two servers running (the backend api and frontend react ui)
create a new build from inside react-ui
from inside the root directory, seed the database and run the dev environemnt
back inside react-ui run npm start and style the front end
xinitial commit
xconfig different databases for dev, production, test
xclean up formatting
xgithub travis ci
xnsp security check
xinitiate test suite
- xmodel validations
xupdate readme
xtest existing routes
xwrite crud with tests
- xcreate
- xretrieve by id
- xdelete by id
- xclenup formating
xbuild react components
xstyle page
- xadd textarea
- xlisten for button press
- xdeploy
- xreverse the order of the list items
- xchange the highlight text color from default
- xcreate work and study buttons
xcreate dummy data
xupdate readme
xadd url input on form
- xwrite model tests
- xupdate seed
- xwrite route tests
- xurl routes
- xurl input on form
- xadd https:// if missing
- xonly show a link if there is a url
- -test add https:// if missing
xfocus should reset to Technology after submit
xerror handling for too short or too long input
xerror handling required description
xerror handling page does not submit if form is not valid
xui styling
xeach list item has in the header
- xtechnology title (left)
- xstart button with green border (right)
- xtotal time summary (right)
xafter discription
- xlink icon (after sentence)
- xtrash icon (lower right corner)
xcreate delete functionality
xarchive functionality
xarchive tests
xupdate archive from delete to hide
new TimeSlip document components
- startedTime // tracks the last time the timmer was started
- stoppedTime // tracks the last time the timmer was stopped
- allTimes // array that tracks all the times
- totalTime // tracks the total calculated times of all TimeSlip.allTimes
xclick the start button and display a green fullpage screen this page should have access to the list item data
xclick on the x in the upper right hand corner to remove the screen
xcreate a state.timeStopped in the TimeSlipItem component
xcreate a toggleTimer function that toggles the state of showTimer
xcreate a toggleTimeStopped function that toggles the state of timeStopped
xturn the background screen red if state.timeStoped === true
xturn the background screen green if state.timeStoped === false
if timerRunning === true
- xhide start button and show stop button
if timerRunning === false
- xshow start button and hide stop button
if timerScreenShowing === true
- xshow timer screen
if timerScreenShowing === false
- xhide timer screen
xif user clicks start button -> timerScreenShowing === true xif user clicks x button (inside timer screen) -> timerStarted === false, timerScreenShowing === false
move showTimerScreen to timeSlipTimer
if timerRunning state is changed from false to true
- post to startedTime
react x1. TimeSlipTimer
- xmove timerStatus to TimeSlipTimer
x2. TimeSlipList
- xasync updateTimeSlipStartedTime
- xasync updateTimeSlipStopedTime
x3. api.js
- xupdateTimeSlipStartedTime
- xupdateTimeSlipStopedTime
x4. models/timeslip.js
- xupdate the timeSlip model
xshow timer component
xconvert seconds to minutes and hours
- xconvert TimerDisplay to pure function
xwrite tests for getting timeSlip by id xload totalTime for each component
xfix timeSlip post bug
xadd timeConverter function to totalTime
xadd to TimeSlipItem
- xcreated (convert to date)
xpost last updated time and add to TimeSlip Item
- xtests
- xupdated (on TimeSlip ui with seed data)
- xupdate when posting to TimeSlip
xlisten for escape keypress to close timmer popup
xadd icons
- xlink
- xtrash
- xplay
- xstop
xrefactor all css into styled components
xfile structure
xrefactor api calls
xmedia queries using template literal mixins
- x600px mobile media queries
- x900px tablet media queries
- x1200px desktop media queries
- x1800px desktop jumbo media queries
xfix validations
xremove all minimums
xreplace with max countdown?
xsummary components into cpt and cnt
xrefactor ItemCnt to use time format from time-utils
xchange SummaryItemCnt to SummaryListCnt
xchange SummaryHeadingCpt to CloseMenuCnt and style with MenuControlCpt
move the filtering mecanism to the TimeSlipContainer and setState for the results to fix bug of Summary time not updating
- xfilter on page load for TimeSlipContainer into setState ActiveTimeSlips and ArchivedTimeSlips (pass each to SummaryListCnt)
- xupdate SummarylistCnt to iterate over the new states arrays instead of filtering all
- xrefactor ListCnt to that is only recieves active time slips instead of filtering out again
- xupdate TimeSlipsCnt to setState to activeTimeSlips when a new slip is created
- xdo the same for delete, and archive
- xhook up archive functionality to test if changes are made to the SummaryCnt without page refresh
xremove timeSlips from TimeSlipCnt
xwhenever a time submission is made it should increase the totalActiveTime
- xfind where totalTime state is updated
- xpass a function from SummaryCnt that updates the totalActiveTime when totalTime is updated
xadd truncate to language and description
xmove SummaryListCnt to SummaryListCpt
xfix transistions xblink TotalTime in timerScreen after time submit only xfade in screen color on timerScreen start to stop
xclean up timerScreenCpt conditional statements
xfix timeslip update in summary by reloading all timeslips on summary page load
xmove Icons svg into seperate file
xadd transistion delay to prevent too many archive requests all at once
- xmove the sthowAnimationScreen state in SummaryCnt
- xdelete the ListSummaryCnt component file and remove from SummaryCnt and reimplement the LisSummaryCpt in SummaryCnt instead
- xconditionaly display the SummaryCpt only or the SummaryCpt and the delayAnimationScreenCpt together
- xpass a function to SummaryItemCpt that controls the state of showAnimationScreen in the parrent SummaryCnt
xhamburger drop down to user page
- xuser summary screen with unarchive option for each deleted timeSlip (white background)
- xchange summray color
- xextract time format into time-utils
- xseed more archived data
- xmore options for time conversion
- xclean up warnings and lint
- xpage should show all archived and unarchived timeSlips with concatenated discriptions with option to delete permentantly and add time
- xarchived summary style
xclick on icon wrapper not on icon
- xmore padding on the top of the mobile timerScreen
xicon issues
- xinclude the close icon for timer screen as a controlCpt
- xprops option for setting colors
- xstyle height and width media breakpoints in MenuControlsCpt to control icon size
x move timerScreenShowing ? from ItemCpt to ItemCnt
/-- current
seed m-lab data
/-- current
time is not updating!!
update readme
create add button
timer delay for archive on listItem
- open delay for archive and delete in Summary
- implemenent the same for archive in ListItem
ui time is getting cut of on desktop (need to reduce font size of time only) still don't have escape functionality for summry screen
remove auto caplitailization on mobile devices
organize files into folders
- change CharCounter.js to CharCounterCpt.js
- change HamburgerMenuCnt to MenuHamburgerCnt and MenuCloseCnt
clean up code using ...props
/-- portfolio stage
seed real data (fix time format bug)
change project name
- change to statsu.io
- change heroku url
- update github
upgrade dyno
update readme
- include explination of styled components (theme explination)
- how to use icons
- (other explinations?)
- thoughts
/-- portfolio stage
/-- later
change delayedDelete in SummaryItemCpt to a popup screen that asks if you are sure you want to delete
choose different color themes?
fix travis
/-- later
* ****************************************************************************** * thoughts
Before leaning Readux I wanted to build a project without it
Even though there is only one model there are three different possible screens being displayed
Passing state across all three screens is becoming burdensome
Refactor into better containers and components it is also difficult without a test suite to rely on
Instead it is probably better to implement Redux to handle state, then refactor and add tests
* ****************************************************************************** * future plans
---- phase 2 -----
React Router
testing suite
drag and drop using React DnD
---- phase 3 -----
user summary with d3
better data tracking
- record timestamp for each subbmission
convert milliseconds to hours above 99 hours
---- phase 4 -----
profesional deploy
premium users
accept payment
new notebook option
- summary of notebook
- summary of all notebooks
external links for user summary billable summary page
resume links
styled-components sgv icons media mixins style-utils