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A social media for gamers. Where all your posts are permanents.

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❗Work In Progress❗

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About the project

GamesLock is a social media where everything you post will be there for eternity as once something is posted, you cannot edit it or delete it.

The backend was done using Node.js with Express. The database used is MongoDB with Mongoose. The frontend was done using React with Vite.

If you're interested in the technical documentation, you can find it here.

Table of contents


Things done and not yet done:

  • Backend
    • User
      • Register/login/logout
      • Delete account
      • Getting a specific user profile
      • Level system
      • Notifications
      • Follow system
      • Getting an achievement
      • Connection log system
    • Messages
      • Adding message
      • Getting a specific message
      • Deleting message (admin only)
      • Like system
      • Report system
    • Comments
      • Adding a comment to a post
      • Getting a specific comment
      • Deleting comment (admin only)
      • Like system
    • Achievements
      • Adding achievements (admin only)
      • Editing an achievement (admin only)
    • Other
      • Optimisation
  • Frontend
    • User
      • Profile page
      • Achievements page
      • Login/register page
      • Edit profile page
    • Home
      • Home page
    • Search
      • Search page
    • Notifications
      • Notifications page
    • Posts
      • Post page
      • Adding comments
    • Other
      • Translation


Clone the repo

clone the repo.

git clone
cd GamesLock


Then go to the backend folder and install the dependencies.

cd backend
npm install
npm run dev


For the frontend, you'll need to go the frontend folder and install the dependencies.

cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev

Using the install script

You can also use the install script to install the project and directly set up the .env file for both the backend and the frontend.

you'll need to download the script and place it into the parent folder you'd like the project to be in before running the script.

Then you can run the script with the following command:


or by double-clicking on the script and running it with the terminal.

The script will clone the project, install the dependencies for the backend and the frontend, and create the .env file for both the backend and the frontend.

Then to run the project,l you'll have to run the backend and the frontend separately, using the following commands:

# for the backend
cd backend
npm run dev
# for the frontend
cd frontend
npm run dev


To use the project, you'll need some environment variables. You can create a .env file in the backend folder and add the following variables:


The PORT is the port where the server will run.

The NODE_ENV is the environment where the server will run. It can be dev for development or prod for production.

The DATABASE_URI is the URI for the MongoDB database.

The JWT_SECRET is the secret for the JWT token. You can put anything you want, like mysecret.

The MAILER_HOST is the host for the mailer. You can use for Gmail.

The MAILER_PORT is the port for the mailer. You can use 465 or 587.

The MAILER_SECURE is a boolean for the mailer. You can use true or false.

The MAILER_PASS is the password for the mailer.

The MAILER_USER is the email for the mailer, For Gmail, it's your gmail account. This is the email who will send the emails.

The MAILER_DEV_EMAIL is the email where the mailer will send the emails in development, so you should put your personal email there to receive all the emails.

The ADMIN_EMAIL is the email for the admin. You can put your email there. It's used when something is reported.



The ADMIN_EMAIL is not only used to send reports to the admin. If your NODE_ENV is set to prod, the admin will receive every email, like OTP for registration and deletion of the account.

If you don't want to receive all the emails, you can set the NODE_ENV to dev and the admin will only receive reports while users will receive the emails.




Using Gmail

If you're using Gmail, you'll need to allow less secure apps to access your account. You'll have to use the 2-step verification and create an app password. You can do that here.

You can also use the OAuth2 method, but it's a bit more complicated.

Images stored in the backend

The profile pictures and the images for the posts are stored in the backend. You'll find all the default profile pictures in the ./backend/uploads/user. And the images for the posts in the ./backend/uploads/post, so you won't have to add any folder when setting up the project.

If you ever wondered, don't worry every image are handled so they won't be too big. they are resized to 120x120 for the profile pictures and 500x500 for the post images. And they're even reformatted to be in the webp format.

Development usage


Navigate to the backend folder and run the server.js

cd backend
npm run start
# or
npm run dev


Navigate to the frontend folder and start the React app.

cd frontend
npm run start
# or
npm run dev


To use the project, you'll need some environment variables. You can create a .env file in the frontend folder and add the following variables:


The VITE_BACKEND_URL is the URL for the backend.

The VITE_API_URL is the URL for the backend API.

The VITE_IMG_URL is the URL for the images. Since the images are stored in the backend, you'll need to put the URL for the images.


Since the VITE_API_URL and VITE_IMG_URL are using the VITE_BACKEND_URL, you only need to set the VITE_BACKEND_URL and the other two will use it.

Easter egg (spoiler)

I added some easter eggs in the project. If you're willing to find them yourself, don't read the following. If you want to know where they are, you can read the following.

404 page

Doing the konami code but switching the 'B' and 'A' buttons will redirect you to a tutorial on how to do the konami code.

Doing the konami code correctly will display a message.

If you wait 2 minutes on the page, a character will appear.

Search page

You can search for the following terms:

  • do a barrel roll
Profile page

You should try clicking on the profile picture a bunch of times.

Cron jobs

I added some cron jobs to the project. They are used to delete logs, notifications and OTP after a certain amount of time.

Special thanks

I'd like to thank Jenni Corentin (CroclingJ09) for the profile pictures he made for the project.