Show prices and information of houses that were sold for, in Taiwan, a.k.a 實價登錄.
This app applies iOS 11 built-in clustering APIs. Check out WWDC 2017 Session 237: What's New in MapKit.
We have fired 2 bug reports (35381219、36131654) during the developement.
Data source from 內政部不動產成交案件實際資訊資料供應系統.
Data hosted on Jinma API. And the exact data API used in this app is\(CLat)&CLng=\(CLng)&SLat=\(SLat)&SLng=\(SLng)&AppID=16VHVHiLd3NzX&UserID=128DEi3hheGXG
Resource from Iconfinder, licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported).