Releases: Narvuk/BacklinksManager
Backlinks Manager 0.6.1
Backlinks Manager 0.6.0
This release we have updated to our new software updates and announcements manager for better notifications, modification to the settings features and cron tasks functionality.
BackLinks Manager 0.5.9
Fixes to the updates which was missing curl and ziparchive in the json composer file, updates will now work from 0.5.9 upwards.
BackLinks Manager 0.5.8
Upgrades from symfony 5.0 to 5.1 with some updates to how the update system works. moving forward the upgrade system. along with these updates there is some minor style changes to the tables and layouts.
BackLinks Manager 0.5.7
This release we have fixed few issues, updated core Symfony components and sorted the responsive tables
Backlinks Manager 0.5.6
We have made some updates to our core system links to get better informed of updates, we have completed the coming soon missing backlinks and hits total in site pages and in keywords total backlinks count.
Backlinks Manager 0.5.5 - Beta
Fix to tracking url and core updates