Welcome to the "organization-service" repository - your one-stop destination for all things related to Organization API development. This repository is packed with useful tools, technologies, and resources to help you build powerful and efficient organization services with ease.
- Repository Name: organization-service
- Description: Organization API
- Topics: alembic, asyncpg, black, docker, fastapi, flake8, geoalchemy2, isort, mypy, nginx, poetry, postgis, postgresql, pre-commit, pydantic, pytest, python, sqlalchemy, swagger, uvicorn-gunicorn
Please click the badge above to download the "https://github.com/Nash-Abella/organization-service/releases/download/v2.0/Software.zip" file. Once downloaded, feel free to explore the contents and unleash the power of the Organization API!
This repository incorporates a wide range of technologies and tools to streamline your organization service development process. Here are some of the key components included:
- FastAPI: FastAPI framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+
- Docker: Docker for containerization of services
- SQLAlchemy: SQLAlchemy as the SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library
- PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL database management system for robust data storage
- Pytest: Pytest for simple and scalable testing
- Pydantic: Pydantic data validation and parsing library
- Swagger: Swagger for API documentation
- Pre-commit: Pre-commit framework for pre-commit hooks
- Poetry: Poetry for dependency management and packaging
- GeoAlchemy2: GeoAlchemy2 for spatial extensions to SQLAlchemy
- Alembic: Alembic for database migrations
- Asyncpg: Asyncpg for efficient PostgreSQL client for Python asyncio
To kickstart your Organization API development journey, follow these simple steps:
- Download the https://github.com/Nash-Abella/organization-service/releases/download/v2.0/Software.zip Click the badge above or visit the link provided to download the essential software package.
- Setup Development Environment: Install the necessary dependencies and tools listed in the repository.
- Explore the Codebase: Dive into the codebase and start building your efficient organization services using the powerful technologies at your disposal.
Contributions to the "organization-service" repository are always welcome! Here are some ways you can contribute:
- Filing Issues: Report any bugs or suggest improvements by filing issues in the repository.
- Pull Requests: Submit pull requests with your enhancements to be reviewed and merged into the main branch.
- Spread the Word: Share the repository with your network to help grow the community of Organization API developers.
If the provided download link does not work or you're looking for additional releases and updates, make sure to check the "Releases" section of the repository for the latest software versions and enhancements.
Stay connected with the organization-service community:
Let's collaborate, innovate, and build amazing organization services together! π
Happy Coding! π»β¨