Releases: Nastel/gocypher-cybench-eclipse
CyBench Plugin for Eclipse (v0.4-beta)
CyBench Eclipse plugin contains benchmark code generator for selected JAVA classes, benchmarks launcher and UI views for exploring
CyBench benchmark reports.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25.0), and supports Java 11+.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse Mars and supports up to Java 8.
Packaged archives below contain the latest CyBench class files and updates. (v1.4-SNAPSHOT)
- Update class files to latest changes in CyBench Runner
- Switch to http5 library
- Bug fixes for automatic comparisons
- Updated logging/logic of results from comparisons
- Log binding fix to prevent warning/error spam at beginning of benchmark run
- Update MANIFEST/qualifiers (1.0.2)
What's Changed
- Update to latest Runner class files by @danielrigos in #9
- SWT Resource leak fix by @danielrigos in #11
- 0.4-beta update by @danielrigos in #12
Full Changelog: 0.3-beta...0.4-beta
CyBench Plugin for Eclipse (v0.3-beta)
CyBench Eclipse plugin contains benchmark code generator for selected JAVA classes, benchmarks launcher and UI views for exploring
CyBench benchmark reports.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse 2021-09, and supports Java 11+.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse Mars and supports up to Java 8.
Packaged archives below contain the latest CyBench class files and updates. (v1.3.5)
- Implemented Automatic Comparisons via run configuration.
- Implemented ability to fail CI/CD pipelines based on anomalies.
- Update associated class files to latest versions (Runner, Core, Annotations, etc.).
- Implemented dynamic metadata parsing for Maven/Gradle projects.
- Added
metadata to comply with CyBench UI.
- Added apache bcel library.
- Updated jdom library to jdom2.
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
CyBench Eclipse plugin contains benchmark code generator for selected JAVA classes, benchmarks launcher and UI views for exploring
CyBench benchmark reports.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse 2020-09.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse Mars.
- Easier way of selection which benchmark classes to run in selected project.
- Created field to add email address inside run configuration to identify report sender.
- Created workspace preferences for "benchAccessToken" and email to be auto filled when creating a new run configuration
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
CyBench Eclipse plugin contains benchmark code generator for selected JAVA classes, benchmarks launcher and UI views for exploring CyBench benchmark reports.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse 2020-09.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse Mars.
- Added the ability to provide a "benchAccessToken" inside the run configuration to send reports to private workspaces
- Consistency with other available plugin upgrades.
- Bug fixes
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
- Fixed issues with Maven project, CyBench Nature set fail when no "src/test/java" folder exists
- Added the ability to provided additional class path properties through run configuration
- Update the forming of report name to be set according to project if not defined by user
- Removed the execution score limit and custom user properties from run configuration ( Properties for classes or individual benchmarks can be defined using the CyBench annotations )
- Updated CyBench logo
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
- Added @BenchmarkMetaData annotations that lets users add custom benchmark properties to categorize the benchmarks information.
- Added "Update CyBench Nature" menu function that deletes the no longer used dependencies to previous plugin versions.
- Bug fixes
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
- Upgraded the benchmarks generation from existing classes with more functionality and additional annotations.
- Eclipse Mars 2 plugin support update for versions between mars and 2020-09
- Added the ability to copy the table row values in CyBench report view
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
- Fixed the class-paths for maven project 3rd parties inclusion
- Updated the Benchmarks generation to resizable window to support different screen sizes
CyBench Tools plugin for Eclipse
CyBench Eclipse plugin contains benchmark code generator for selected JAVA classes, benchmarks launcher and UI views for exploring CyBench benchmark reports.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse 2020-09.
File "" contains plugins for Eclipse Mars.