What's Changed
- build :: set the mvn duplicate finder plugin to fail for conflicts by @dev-mlb in #462
- build :: set the mvn javadoc plugin to fail on warning/error by @dev-mlb in #461
- build :: set the mvn pmd plugin to fail on violations by @dev-mlb in #460
- Update dockerfiles to use java 11 by @cfkoehler in #459
- sonar :: remove unnecessary boxing/unboxing (bug) by @dev-mlb in #422
- sonar :: add synchronized to clear() and isInUse() methods in HDMobil… by @dev-mlb in #426
- sonar :: update interrupt handling (bug) by @dev-mlb in #421
- update jetty to 9.4.51.v20230217 by @jpdahlke in #466
- Allow ByteMatcher to stop at a specified index by @fbruton in #463
- CI/CD :: add dependency review action by @cfkoehler in #394
- CI/CD :: Add super-linter github action by @cfkoehler in #382
- Create a strict server startup option by @SemperFidelisTyrannosaurus in #441
- Refactor Stage to be an enum (Closes #1877) by @drivenflywheel in #369
- Built out command to list Emissary Directories by @sambish5 in #448
New Contributors
- @SemperFidelisTyrannosaurus made their first contribution in #441
Full Changelog: 7.16.0...7.17.0