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Program for automating crafting in the Pseudostable Black Hole Containment Field


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The program is designed to automate Black Hole. The program is able to add Space Time to keep the stability, also has Save Recipe Mode which will add just the right amount of spacetime to keep the recipe from being voided. It is also possible to send messages to Discord about out of service situations. And there is also the possibility of auto update at startup.


Q - Closing the program

Delete - Clear scroll list

Arrow Up - Scroll list up

Arrow Down - Scroll list down




If you are using 8 java, the installer will not work for you. The only way to install the program is to manually transfer it to your computer. The problem is on the java side.

To install program, you need a computer with:

  • Graphics Card (Tier 3): 1
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 3): 1
  • Memory (Tier 3.5): 2
  • Hard Disk Drive (Tier 3) (4MB): 1
  • EEPROM (Lua BIOS): 1
  • Internet Card: 1

Computer setup

Install the basic Open OS on your computer. Then run the command to start the installer.

pastebin run ESUAMAGx


wget -f && installer

Then select the Black Hole Control program in the installer. If you wish you can add the program to auto download, for manual start write a command.



For convenient configuration you can use the web configurator. GTNH-OC-Web-Configurator



For easy copying of addresses, use "Analyzer" from the OpenComputers mod. Right-click on the component, its address will be written in the chat. If you click on it, it will be copied.


To build a setup, you will need:

  • Transposer: 2
  • Adapter: 3
  • MFU: 2
  • Database: 1

You need to make a separate subnet for this set-up further than the black hole subnet (It is red in the pictures). It should see Space Time from the main network (It is green in the pictures), it should also contain “Fluid Discretizer” and CPU with “Crafting Monitor”. The number of CPUs is equal to the number of black holes connected to the subnet.

Black hole subnet setup

To add a Space Time, you need to make one more mini subnet further than the input subnet (It is purple on the pictures). The program adds a Space Time by ordering a fake recipe. This is done because there is no easier way to add a large number of Space Time. The mini subsystem consists of: “ME Dual Interface”, ‘ME Drive’, ‘Stocking Input Hatch (ME)’. In the “ME Drive” you need to put a fluid cell. Also in this part there is a transposer and “ME IO Port”. This part is needed to drain the Space Time residue into the black hole subsystem. You should also put “Database Upgrade (Tier 3)” in the adapter.


To work properly, you need to put any liquid сraft template (which is pink) in the interface. The program will re-encode it itself.

Input subnet setup

To feed the seeds, you must install a trasposer from the interfaces in which the seeds are configured. The trasposer transfers the seeds to the bus input on which it is installed.

Seeds trasposer

You must also connect the “Crafting Input Buffer (ME)” or “Crafting Input Bus (ME)” or “Crafting Input Proxy” to the computer via the MFU. The MFU is placed in the adapter.

Inputs mfu

Also, the black hole controller must be connected via MFU to the adapter.

Controller mfu



For convenient configuration you can use the web configurator. GTNH-OC-Web-Configurator

General configuration in file config.lua

Enable auto update when starting the program.

enableAutoUpdate = true, -- Enable auto update on start

In the timeZone field you can specify your time zone.

In the discordWebhookUrl field, you can specify the Discord Webhook link so that the program sends messages to the discord about emergency situations. How to Create a Discord Webhook?

logger = loggerLib:newFormConfig({
  name = "Black Hole Control",
  timeZone = 3, -- Your time zone
  handlers = {
      logLevel = "warning",
      messageFormat = "{Time:%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S} [{LogLevel}]: {Message}",
      discordWebhookUrl = "" -- Discord Webhook URL
      logLevel = "info",
      messageFormat = "{Time:%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S} [{LogLevel}]: {Message}",
      filePath = "logs.log"
      logLevel = "debug",
      logsListSize = 32

In the blackHoleSeedsTransposerAddress field you specify address of the transposer witch provide black hole seeds.

In the blackHoleSeedInputBusSide field you specify side of the transposer witch connected to seeds input bus.

In the ioPortTransposerAddress field you specify address of the transposer witch connected to ME Drive and ME IO Port.

In the meDriveSide field you specify side of the transposer witch connected to ME Drive.

In the meIoPortSide field you specify side of the transposer witch connected to ME IO Port.

In the meInterfaceAddress field you specify address of the me interface witch connected to input subnet.

In the saveRecipeMode field you specify enable save recipe mode that will add just the right amount of spacetime to keep the recipe from being voided.

In the maxCyclesCount field you specify number of spacetime addition cycles. Each cycle is 30 seconds. Use the calculator to calculate consumption. Link to calculator


For a stable “Superdense Magnetohydrodynamically Constrained Star Matter Plate” craft, specify 27 cycles in the maxCyclesCount field.

  controller = blackHoleController:newFormConfig({
    blackHoleSeedsTransposerAddress = "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", -- Address of transposer which provide black hole seeds.
    blackHoleSeedInputBusSide = sides.south, -- Side of transposer which connected to seeds input bus.
    ioPortTransposerAddress = "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", -- Address of transposer which connected to ME Drive and ME IO Port.
    meDriveSide = sides.west, -- Side of transposer which connected to ME Drive.
    meIoPortSide = sides.east, -- Side of transposer which connected to ME IO Port.
    meInterfaceAddress = "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa", -- Address of ME Interface.
    saveRecipeMode = true, -- Recipe save mode.
    maxCyclesCount = 0, -- Maximum number of cycles. For calculation use: